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susquesus Posted - February 06 2005 : 4:49:43 PM
As we are all obviously using our computers to interact I figured it was time to ask the big question. Are you a Mac person or a PC person? Feel free to express your thoughts on the benefits of either system.
12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Obediah Posted - September 27 2007 : 3:33:09 PM
I guess that Mac's would be a good way to go, if you were just interested in multi-media, but in the real world spreadsheets & WP are much more important.

Besides Mac's cost three times as much as a "Windows" PC , but they certainly aren't three times the computer!
Light of the Moon Posted - September 27 2007 : 3:10:27 PM
Originally posted by RedFraggle

I'm a PC user, but mostly because I'm completely MAC illiterate. Some of my fellow grad students have i-books (or whatever the newest MAC laptop is called!), and they certainly are very pretty computers. I'm sure they're more efficient than PC's too but I just don't know anything about using them.

You're not alone, Red. Neither am I. AT LAST!!!!!
Irishgirl Posted - September 25 2007 : 09:13:16 AM
PC user here. Not sure of the differences exactly between the two.
RedFraggle Posted - September 25 2007 : 08:20:09 AM
I'm a PC user, but mostly because I'm completely MAC illiterate. Some of my fellow grad students have i-books (or whatever the newest MAC laptop is called!), and they certainly are very pretty computers. I'm sure they're more efficient than PC's too but I just don't know anything about using them.

Confession: I was actually going to take the plunge and get a MAC laptop because I had heard so many good things about them, but my husband surprised me with an HP laptop last semester. For the record, not a good surprise. It wasn't even close to what I wanted AND it came with a $1400 price tag that I now have to pay. I tried to return it but couldn't because he had already loaded all kinds of software on it. Arrrgh.
Sunshine Posted - September 25 2007 : 01:44:02 AM
Christina, I am with you. I have to use a PC at work but all other times i am on a MAC. I even loaded ITunes windows version on my pc at work. There is a local Mac Users group that is just great. They are friendly and always willing to help newbies learn more about Macs.

Sunshine, who is waving her forever a Mac girl flag. :)
Dark Woods Posted - September 24 2007 : 8:35:14 PM
I like the Mac, but finances cause me to use a PC.
CT•Ranger Posted - February 07 2005 : 12:54:51 PM
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Think different.

P.S. when I was working at a bookstore, one of the books we had was "The Cult of Mac" about the Mac lover phenomenon.
Christina Posted - February 07 2005 : 11:35:53 AM
I am a devoted and unwavering Mac disciple, even though I am forced at my workplace to struggle along during the day on a sputtering, stubborn, ancient, "re-constituted" PC. I know how to work Windows, but I don't do it willingly. I tend to think of Microsoft as something like the Borg in Star Trek...and I refuse to be assimilated...
Macs are the best thing, as other folks here have said, for people involved in publishing and graphic arts to work on. I've been a devotee since college when I worked on two old Macs to lay out our literary magazine and newspapers...Mac was SO easy and friendly I taught myself desktop publishing in less than 24 hours...
Want to hear a funny story that shows how great Macs are for publishing and how lousy corporate minds work these days? A few years ago I was on a committee at my previous newspaper to help select a new operating system for the newsroom. We spent months evaluating systems, travelling to other papers to see theirs, meeting with reps, etc. In the end, the committee determined that the best thing would be for the newsroom to go to a Mac-based network, since the entire design and photography department was already working on Macs. No go, said the corporate honchos. Since our esteemed poobahs were spending $1 million (yes, that's $1 MILLION) to refurbish systems at their southern papers, they were insisting on PC-based networks. So that's what we reluctantly picked. The PC-based system was installed. Let's just say initial results were about as successful as the Spanish Armada...
six months later, the poobahs were forced to spend another $50K to purchase EXTRA Macs for the affected newsrooms so that the doddering PCs could interface with the Macs that already existed in design and photo. So, it proves, we were right in the first place!
I have my little Imac at home, that's so easy you can plug and play. I won't ever switch!
susquesus Posted - February 07 2005 : 02:05:36 AM
I'm a Mac user. I love how everything just works. Plug a new scanner in, it works. Plug a digital camera in, it works. Etc., etc.... Not to mention I-pods.
My first computer use was in elementary school, Apple IIe's. We played a lot of "Oregon Trail" , "Lemonade Stand", and "Tron". In high school my parents bought a PC. It worked once in awhile. I now own an Imac and know I will never go back.
The new operating system is the smoothest, far easier and more reliable than Windows.
Nathan Posted - February 06 2005 : 11:28:25 PM
I've been looking into Mac computer systems for a while now for a recording studio, since Macs are the ideal system for Pro Tools. I didn't make the sacrifice to get one, and settled for a Dell laptop instead. Though I must say that a Mac is still my dream machine. :-)

blueotter Posted - February 06 2005 : 11:27:19 PM
Yes! I am a Mac user -- because I am a graphic designer, and that's what we use. My only complaint is that some stuff on the Internet doesn't work with some browers on a Mac, so I have to keep Explorer, Netscape and Safari icons on my desktop so I can switch back and forth. Now that I have OS Panther, I don't crash nearly as often, so if that's a complaint some people have about Macs, I'd say "Upgrade". I know they're usually more pricey than some PCs, though! But my "industry" uses Macintosh, and whither it goest, ther I will go.

And in case someone didn't see my p.s. at the end of Wilderness Woman's birthday wish, I can't make my text change here on the Board -- no font changes, no colors, no italics or different sizes, and when I put a smiley in my message, I can't go back and add it where I want it -- it always goes aftre the last character, no matter where I click. But that's OK. I can emphasize things enough. I'm not complaining.

CT•Ranger Posted - February 06 2005 : 9:44:01 PM
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