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T O P I C    R E V I E W
richfed Posted - October 21 2007 : 09:16:21 AM
Five years of the WWWboard [1997-2002]; five years of Snitz [2002-Present]. Is it time for new digs???? Is it time to re-do the Board with different forum software?

Please elaborate!
17   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Wilderness Woman Posted - November 03 2007 : 11:12:24 AM

richfed Posted - November 03 2007 : 10:22:58 AM
I guess it's settled then ... leave well enough alone!
Kyfrontiersman Posted - October 30 2007 : 10:58:03 PM
My friend, I'm computer STUPID. Now I'm finally getting the hang of this board.
If you change it, it'll take me another 2 years to figure it out!!!
Light of the Moon Posted - October 30 2007 : 12:36:03 PM
Beagles, you're back too! Glad to see you around. We missed you!
Dances with Beagles Posted - October 29 2007 : 9:28:53 PM
Hey Rich!

I remember when you changed to this format a few years ago. It took a little bit of time, but I really grew to like this board, the background, etc.

But, from your end (keeping up the site, moderating, etc.) if there is better software out there that would make your life here easier, by all means switch!
We will submit, do you hear? We will be strong, we'll survive... we'll stay alive, no matter what occurs!

Kirachi Posted - October 25 2007 : 05:58:34 AM
I agree with almost everyone if it ain't broke don't fix it. I like the lay out of this board it's easy to find threads and use.
But of course I won't be against any changes either
Light of the Moon Posted - October 23 2007 : 11:45:05 PM
I say "If it ain't broke..."

I like the board just as it is!
Theresa Posted - October 22 2007 : 07:27:31 AM
I voted for the "I don't care..."...simply based on the fact that whatever is best for you to use, Rich, then go for it. We all owe a great deal to you for all your efforts.
Monadnock Guide Posted - October 21 2007 : 3:54:59 PM
I'm in the "If It Ain't Broke" camp. I post on a couple of other boards, and this is the best.
blackfootblood Posted - October 21 2007 : 3:51:24 PM
I also voted "If it ain't broke..." I love the way this board is set up. Compared to other boards, this one is pretty easy to figure out and move about.
Bookworm Posted - October 21 2007 : 2:50:33 PM
I voted for the last option, but "If it ain't broke..." expresses my view as well. I know far too little about the topic to give advice, and, like so many others, I trust your judgment, Rich.
Gadget Girl Posted - October 21 2007 : 2:44:18 PM
I too voted for the "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" PRIMARILLY for the literal reason. This board works extremely well compared to others I frequent. Having said that and considering the "post from an old friend", there are things about this format that makes it easy to just concentrate on new posts. I almost always use the Actice topics link to view the board which does tend to let older posts fall by the wayside, never mind the rest of the site.

Perhaps if you could stay in the Snitz software but rework the entrance into the site, then perhaps the whole website might get more perusal.

I will say I missed the old heirarchal post format from the old board, but feel quite comfortable with this one - may be TOO comfortable!

caitlin Posted - October 21 2007 : 12:54:22 PM
This one seems to be working better than the last one once you fixed a few kinks, if I remember correctly. I'm with Diana too on this one... whatever you feel is best!
Fitzhugh Williams Posted - October 21 2007 : 10:53:31 AM
I regularly use a number of other boards. These are a cross section of what is available. This board is superior to any of the others I have seen and seems to have fewer problems. Unless something dramatically different and better comes along, I believe a move would be a step backwards.

In a job I used to have, I evaluated software. Vendors made many promises and NONE delivered. When they were required to show us up front what their software would do, they would say that something was in the works and show us a patch that demonstrated what it would do when it was finished. Problem is, it was never finished, and our own IS department ended up making the software usable. We initiated some lawsuits out of all that, but we still didn't get the software. So beware of what is promised.
Wilderness Woman Posted - October 21 2007 : 10:43:30 AM
Hi Rich,

Well, I voted for "If it ain't broke, don't fix it," or in other words, perhaps the board should stay as it lays. And yet, my opinion is mixed.

As one who is growing older and approaching her Senior Years, I find that I am just beginning to fall into that old groove in which "older" folks don't like change. I am finding myself beginning to be more comfortable with the familiar.

However, sometimes change is good. And because I still learn new things quite easily, as a general rule, I am still open for new things and new challenges.

So, if you feel the time is right for a change, then I say "Go for it!" After all.... no matter how far you go, no matter how difficult the software is (or is not) to follow, we will find you!
Irishgirl Posted - October 21 2007 : 10:13:33 AM
I'm voting with Diane on this one Rich. Your judgement is good enough for me. Do what you think best.
Diane B. Posted - October 21 2007 : 09:41:09 AM
Dearest Sachem Rich,

Those of us who have experienced this Board - and Mohicanland - from the early years & up to the present can attest to the fact that through it all, you have skillfully "guided us through the wilderness" - regardless of the software. I believe your aim to be just as good as your judgement so if you feel that different software is needed, go for it!

Be Well,

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