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T O P I C    R E V I E W
RedFraggle Posted - October 25 2007 : 2:04:30 PM
Recently I spent a weekend in Occoneechee State Park in Virginia, doing some horseback riding and hiking. The cabin where I stayed was right on the lake in the center of the park, and I spent some time wandering along the shore taking pictures. I'm not a photographer by any means, but I like a good excuse to be out in nature with nothing but me and my camera.

As I wandered along the banks, I became fascinated by the terrain around the lake, mostly because the water was about 20 feet lower than normal due to the drought conditions, and I was able to walk around on what is usually the lake bed. Since the lake is man-made, and was created by clearing a good deal of land in the middle of a forest, its bed is littered with old trees and stumps that are not normally visible. Now, thanks to the extremely dry weather, much of what is typically underwater has become dry ground marked by jutting rocks and naked timbers. I have a great love for gnarled old trees and twisted stumps, because there is just so much character to them. The pictures I'm posting are some of my favorite shots of the trees that usually lie hidden from view on the lake bed. If you are like me and love looking at old trees, enjoy!

This felled tree is usually in the shallows of the lake, a good spot for sunning turtles and the like.
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I love the perfect arc made by this old branch.
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Here is a shot of the debris on the lake bed. Who knows how long that old bottle has been there. Notice the deer tracks winding across the sand and the freshly-shelled mussel just near the bottle.
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This was my favorite rock formation. It looks like a jagged promontory, but it's usually completely covered by the water.
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Here I was trying to get a shot of the early morning fog rolling across the water. You can barely see it in the photo, but I thought the sun's rays streaming into the foreground make for an interesting shot.
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Here I was trying to capture the spray coming off of a nearly submerged stump in the water. It didn't turn out the way I wanted it to, but it's kind of interesting.
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And lastly, my favorite stump. Its snaky arms and the way it seems to hover off the ground make it look more like a strange sort of creature than a tree, I think.
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6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Kirachi Posted - October 26 2007 : 05:27:38 AM
Great pics Red, very arty. Have you studied photography professionally? your shots are good enough to be
Gadget Girl Posted - October 25 2007 : 9:55:46 PM
Fitz - you've done again - made me 'bout spew the screen!!

Loved the pics RF!!! THanks for sharing them!
blackfootblood Posted - October 25 2007 : 6:35:48 PM
Wonderful Pictures!!! You sure do have an "eye" for scenery.
richfed Posted - October 25 2007 : 6:23:36 PM
Nice shots, Mrs. Fraggle!
RedFraggle Posted - October 25 2007 : 5:36:13 PM
Originally posted by Fitzhugh Williams

You will like it even better once you get a color camera

I like my sepia filter, OK, mon français présomptueux?
Fitzhugh Williams Posted - October 25 2007 : 3:18:15 PM
I like a good excuse to be out in nature with nothing but me and my camera.

You will like it even better once you get a color camera

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