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T O P I C    R E V I E W
SgtMunro Posted - March 09 2014 : 10:16:46 PM
...A Decade Of 250th Events

While in 'winter quarters' here at Fort Pitt, I was going through my box-o-stuff filled with reenacting memorabilia. As I was sorting the wheat from the chaff, I took note of the sizable number of 250th Anniversary medallions, which I have accumulated since 2004. Handling these otherwise mundane bits of metal gave me a chance to remember the good, bad & ugly of the events they represented.

I then put together a list, which I will share with you, of the 250th F&IW events I participated in. The events below, are ranked in personal favorability, from best and most enjoyable, to not-so-much:

#1, The Grand Prize: Braddock's Defeat (2005)

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Mohicanland 'Mini-Gathering' @ 250th Braddock's (L to R) Sarah, Seamus (RIP, old friend), The Sarge & Rose

This event was held at Old Bedford Village, where the Juniata River played the part of the Monongahela River. This event certainly was the best of the anniversary events I had taken part in, and it was mostly due to the tireless work of OBV's previous site director, Roger Kirwin. This event had it all, including choreographed hand-to-hand combat, and even the 'fog of war'....
...We also were able to have an unofficial mini-gathering of Mohicanland board members

#2: Fort Bedford (2008)

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This event included a ceremony for the newly-reconstructed main gate of Fort Bedford, and two very good set-piece battles at the lunette which was constructed through the hard work of OBV's previous site director, Roger Kirwin. It was also where my lads were able to do a broadsword charge against the French defenders

#3, A Tie: Fort Ligonier (2009) & Bushy Run (2013)

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These two events were both equally fun and enjoyable, and it was due to the hard work of event coordinators like Jeff Graham (Fort Ligonier) and Kelly Ruoff (Bushy Run).

#4: Fort Niagara (2009)

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This event was fun, in spite of the SNAFU's and FUBAR's, mostly caused by the British Command Staff

#5: Fort Loudoun (2008)

A small and cozy event, which was run efficiently. It commemorated the Cherokee conference with Colonel Bouquet, during the Forbes Expedition.

#6: Grant's Defeat (2008)

Another small & cozy event, held at Boyce Park (Allegheny County) where Washington Redoubt was located (along the Forbes Road). This event was almost a 'no-go', until my co-workers found out that I was going to be part of it (certified as a Firearms Safety Officer), and that helped to smooth things over, and ease concerns of county park officials.

#7: Fort Necessity (2004)

The first of the true 250th F&IW events, where fun was had by all, in spite of the NPS regulations.

#8: Fort Ticonderoga (2008)

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The sky was clear... but not for long!

This event was did not reach it's potential, mostly due to the short-sightedness of the fort management, and the ineptitude of the British Command Staff. Without going into detail (and I could generate quite a list of grievances), suffice it to say that it was unfortunate disappointment, but we managed to make the best of a crappy situation

Even though my lads never received their medallions from this event (thanks to yet another SNAFU by the fort staff... one of many during this event), they shared a far more important 'medal'/distinction. Afterwards, we said there are only two kinds of F&IW reenactors... Those who endured Ti '08, and those who didn't!

Well folks, there is my list. Since I was only able to attend a fraction of the numerous 250th F&IW events from 2004-2013, I would like to hear your own 250th anniversary event ratings/experiences.

The Sarge
25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Fitzhugh Williams Posted - March 24 2014 : 4:01:02 PM
Thanks! I will definitely keep that in mind.
SgtMunro Posted - March 24 2014 : 12:37:00 PM
As I said before Fitz, if you ever want to come out to a gathering at the fort (either the main one in October, or the smaller one for Labor Day weekend) just let me know, and I will hook you up.

The Sarge
Fitzhugh Williams Posted - March 20 2014 : 2:48:36 PM
I love Fort Ligonier! I stop by there every time I am in that area. I never get tired of the museum although I have seen everything in it numbers of times.
SgtMunro Posted - March 20 2014 : 1:07:53 PM
Looks like I found a few more 250th pictures:

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Our very own Seamus, as LTC Armstrong at Fort Ligonier in 2009

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Morning Colors at Fort Ligonier in 2009

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Graham's Company 'civilizing' the enemies of The King!

...More to follow

The Sarge
SgtMunro Posted - March 20 2014 : 08:23:14 AM
Fitzhugh Williams asked: That is one place I haven't been yet. And another is Custologa. Any thoughts on the latter?

Custaloga is a fun event; and Graham's Coy. alternates between that event and Cook's Forrest (since they are only a week apart) every year. Both Custaloga & Cook's have fun wilderness battles, and there is always room for more French Marine, Milice and/or Coureurs de bois.

The Sarge
Fitzhugh Williams Posted - March 20 2014 : 08:13:44 AM
That is one place I haven't been yet. And another is Custologa. Any thoughts on the latter?
SgtMunro Posted - March 19 2014 : 6:01:02 PM
Here is another 250th F&IW picture from my collection. It was taken of the new monument, which was unveiled at Bushy Run's 250th Anniversary. Even though it technically was not part of the F&IW itself, the Indian War of 1763 is directly related to the previous war's outcome:

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The Sarge
SgtMunro Posted - March 17 2014 : 4:01:32 PM
Fitzhugh Williams said: I think I might be more of a white and blue type of person, actually.

Fair enough Fitz, but the offer will always be open to you

The Sarge
Fitzhugh Williams Posted - March 17 2014 : 3:14:05 PM
I think I might be more of a white and blue type of person, actually.
SgtMunro Posted - March 17 2014 : 1:15:27 PM
@ Wilderness Woman: I could only imagine what all the good Colonel said to Cpl. Dammer; especially since his creative humor was legendary

@ richfed: Thank you Sachem, and I am still digging through my archives to find some more pics of noted board members at various 250th events. I will post them on this thread, as they are 're-discovered'

@ Fitzhugh Williams: Lady WW is correct Lad, civilian scarlet does not 'madder' (how is that for a pun?)... However, I do have a lovely madder-red (faced dark blue... of course), dart-laced, regimental & weskit for you to wear; along with an appropriate Government Sett feilidh-beag to complete the ensemble

The Sarge
Fitzhugh Williams Posted - March 16 2014 : 09:29:19 AM
Rich, not that you are retired and have nothing to do ( ) you omight consider visiting Martin's Station. The Raid is always the second weekend in May and the big day is Saturday. A raid during the day, and a cabin (or corn crib) is burned that night. Lots of speakers, like Wallace Gusler. Mark Baker, John Curry, and others. And plenty of other things to do around the Cumberland Gap if you can find the time. John Harkin, who was a "Gatherer" for many years, shows up with some of the Georgia boys.
richfed Posted - March 15 2014 : 2:03:37 PM
Great collection of photos you two [Fitz & Sarge]!
Wilderness Woman Posted - March 14 2014 : 6:45:14 PM
Oh.... no.... sorry. Redcoated civilian does not count. It has to be military.

Yes, Ligonier is the second weekend in October.

Sarge, Cpl. Dammer was actually doing French before he joined Augusta. So the Colonel knew. And did he ever love to tease, as you can imagine! He called Ed our Cross Dresser. Among other terms of endearment.
SgtMunro Posted - March 13 2014 : 5:35:42 PM
Wilderness Woman said: Ed Dammer is a member of a Troupe de la Reine and is Adjutant to its Commander Mike Malecki.

WW, what is that you say? Corporal Dammer has been Frenchified? Gott in Himmel, what would the Colonel say...

Fitz said: Well, you could loose some shillings. I do have a red coat, the one I wear to dances.

Well Fitz, if you take the King's Shilling in the 42nd, not only will you have a proper laced coat for dancing, but a lovely dance partner as well... And her name is 'Bess'

The Sarge
Fitzhugh Williams Posted - March 13 2014 : 4:52:54 PM
OK, I want my shillings!!!

This is at Sunday morning services. Parson John does a fine job. He even has Eucharist (that's communion for all you heretics). Here are a couple of other pictures of the site. And on the very top of that mountain in the background is Hensley's Settlement. It is from the 1903-1951 period, but looks like it came out of the 18th century.

Fitzhugh Williams Posted - March 13 2014 : 4:35:00 PM
Originally posted by Wilderness Woman

What??? Miss-yer Lay-Fran-Say??? Don the Red Coat???

Now, that... I would pay out my schillings to see!

Well, you could loose some shillings. I do have a red coat, the one I wear to dances. Rev War period civilian. It's amazing how many people see you in a red coat and automatically assume you are a Brit soldier.

As to Ligonier, it is the second weekend in October, n'est pas? If so, then that is the same time as Martin's Station. In all the years that the Station has been there I have not missed that event. I go for four days. No battles, no planned activities, just living in the 18th century. There are usually around a hundred or slightly less in the way of reenactors and the Station is ours for the duration. One year they even had bear meat stew for Saturday night's supper. Their big event is in May and you have to come early to find a place to pitch a tent, but not in the fall. The weather, the people, the location are something you really have to experience. And at how many sites does the head of the event call every person registered to say they have received the paperwork and to thank them for coming. I just can't miss that one.
Wilderness Woman Posted - March 13 2014 : 2:41:55 PM
Btw.... I also know someone who attends Ligonier as French. Ed Dammer is a member of a Troupe de la Reine and is Adjutant to its Commander Mike Malecki. I could put you in touch.
Wilderness Woman Posted - March 13 2014 : 2:36:51 PM
What??? Miss-yer Lay-Fran-Say??? Don the Red Coat???

Now, that... I would pay out my schillings to see!
SgtMunro Posted - March 12 2014 : 2:35:04 PM
Well Fitz, I understand all too well about how life gets in the way of our pursuits at times. If you would ever like to come to Ligonier, let me know; because I am a drinking buddy of Dave Bybee (CINC FrogFor). An email/phone call to Dave, and I will get you a billet with his French forces (Mileice, Marine, Cour du bois, your choice)...

...Of course, if you would like to don the red coat, I could certainly help you with that

The Sarge
Fitzhugh Williams Posted - March 12 2014 : 2:19:23 PM
I will probably not go to Niagara. The 4th is our wedding anniversary and I have to make some allowances for that! It's a problem every year. I think Ligonier is by invitation and I don't know any of the French units that go there. The units I know are either the one in Alabama, or the ones in Canada and New England. The GEC, I haven't decided yet. I haven't heard who is going. I would prefer to work all that out ahead of time like I did for Fort Frederick last August. I was with Belle Reviere. You probably know them. They are milice and I prefer to do Compagnies franches if possible. But all that was done before I arrived. So we will see. I do plan to do Fort Frederick again. I like that place, and some of the units from North Carolina go there (as Brit, of course).
SgtMunro Posted - March 12 2014 : 1:54:25 PM
Fitz, we did meet at Braddock's, before 'the crossing'; and at Niagara I seen you at a distance (I think you either killed me or Lieutenant Sasquatch). In Charleston, we might have been in our cups at the beer tent...

...As for Ti, you would have needed a boat to visit the 42nd's battalion area

I will be at Niagara this year, will you be making the trek? How about the GEC at Penn's Colony? Ligonier?

The Sarge
Fitzhugh Williams Posted - March 12 2014 : 1:45:09 PM
Sarge, you were at Braddock's, Ti, Niagara, and Charleston, and I don't think we ever got to meet. Or if we did it escapes me. I walked down to the Augusta Regiment's tent after the battle at Ti, when it was about 6 inches underwater, but you weren't there, were you? I didn't go by the 42nd's area. Too wet! At Braddock's I got to the meeting place after everyone had left. And at Charleston the unit had gone into town when I got there. Well, maybe some day!
SgtMunro Posted - March 12 2014 : 12:33:49 PM
Excellent post & pics Fitz

The Sarge
Monadnock Guide Posted - March 12 2014 : 12:05:52 PM
I know what you're saying Fitz, - there is no "rewind button" unfortunately, and I have looked. Still - at one point "you were there" ...
Fitzhugh Williams Posted - March 12 2014 : 11:47:00 AM
It was hard to select only three pics for each event. And looking through all of them brought back a lot of memories. I missed the Mohican meetup at Old Bedford Village by accident, but I did get to meet Seamus there and at Ti. I met WW at Crown Point and again at Niagara. I also went to Crown Point two other times and Pemaquid, Maine as well, but these were not part of the 250th events. Since then I have been doing events closer to home. There is still something almost every-other weekend but the traveling is not as much. I went to Fort Frederick last August and plan to to again this year. It is only about a 7-8 hour drive as opposed to Crown Point which is 18 hours. My traveling partner turned 80 and has slowed down. I had some health problems myself and didn't feel like I could drive for two or three days and then enjoy an event. But seeing all the pics makes me wish I could do some of them over.

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