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 The Alamo - 1836
 I Interviewed Billy Bob Thornton!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Dillon1836 Posted - August 17 2007 : 5:31:02 PM
On Tuesday, August 14th, I interviewed Billy Bob Thornton after his concert performance for my website, Alamo Sentry.

I haven't had time to post more photos, or even put up the interview yet, as I am in Pennsylvania right now visiting family, but once I return home, I'll put em' up! As for now, I leave yall with a teaser. Enjoy:)

Oh, and yes, Billy Bob Thornton was great! He was kind and generous with his time and very enthusiastic and encouraging when it came to my questions about his role as David Crockett in THE ALAMO.

All the best,

18   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Dillon1836 Posted - February 22 2008 : 06:12:17 AM
The interview with Dennis Quaid fell through a long while back because of the unfortunate overdose of both of his twins. Hopefully, they are doing better!

As for interviews, I am currently persuing Patrick Wilson and Jason Patric. Wish me luck!

All the best,

caitlin Posted - August 29 2007 : 1:32:00 PM
I kick myself because back in the 80's I briefly met him but didn't get his autograph. They filmed a scene in my parent's resturant - though it ended up on the cutting room floor. It was in Bloomington, IN and the movie was "Breaking Away".

Good luck on the interview!
Irishgirl Posted - August 29 2007 : 10:32:33 AM
Oh I like Dennis I do Wade. Good luck with getting that interview. My fingers are definitely crossed for you.
Dillon1836 Posted - August 29 2007 : 12:19:39 AM
Thank you everyone for the kind words. Again, I was very fortunate to have met him and even interview him. He was a genuine, cool guy and easy to get along with. And he's very easy to talk to. As soon as I approached him, we immediately jumped into conversation.

Anyway, I'm currently looking into interviewing actor Dennis Quaid, so, cross your fingers!

All the best,
caitlin Posted - August 24 2007 : 10:42:31 PM
Congratulations! Great interview! That must have been intense!
blackfootblood Posted - August 24 2007 : 9:48:18 PM
Great interview!! I have to say, you had patience and a lot of it!!! But as you can see, it paid off. Hats off to ya!
Irishgirl Posted - August 24 2007 : 12:15:34 PM
I enjoyed seeing all those pics Wade and the story about women throwing their undies up on stage was just great. I can imagine him walking around with those attached.

Your persistence paid off in the end and you got the interview. You didn't give up and were rewarded for your efforts. I am very happy for you Wade and the Interiew was great. A job well done. Thanks for sharing.
Dillon1836 Posted - August 24 2007 : 10:27:00 AM
Oh and no vials of blood. lol
Obediah Posted - August 23 2007 : 10:23:31 PM
Great interview! At least 2 thumbs up!
Dillon1836 Posted - August 23 2007 : 6:37:34 PM
Thanks for the kind words, everyone!

I posted the interview at

Check it out and tell me what you think.

Irishgirl Posted - August 18 2007 : 5:08:22 PM
Did you happen to notice any vials of blood on his person Wade..heehee
richfed Posted - August 18 2007 : 09:14:26 AM
Way to go, Wade!! And, I second Irishgirl's comment - and I'm NOT kidding ... Did you ask him about Angelina????
Light of the Moon Posted - August 18 2007 : 12:06:34 AM
Congrats, Dillon! You're off to a good start it sounds like!
Stephanie Posted - August 17 2007 : 9:28:40 PM
Wow! I bet Mr. Thornton was honored and thrilled to be interviewed by you!
blackfootblood Posted - August 17 2007 : 8:50:38 PM
Congrats, Wade!!!! That's a huge achievement and an honor to have him still down and spend some time with you. But you seem like a people person and have a way of charming everyone. That's a good thing! Can't wait to read the interview.
Dillon1836 Posted - August 17 2007 : 7:04:53 PM
Thanks Kaylynn. I'll be sure to post the interview here when I return.

Hey Irishgirl. No, dared not to ask him about Angelina, but during the concert Billy Bob joked that she was the only wife who never needed the money. lol

Irishgirl Posted - August 17 2007 : 6:54:04 PM
Wow definitely congrats Wade. I know you did a great job with the Interview. Thanks for telling us all and sharing the photos. I have never met anyone that famous.

Pst....did you ask him about Angelina??????(just kiddin')
Kaylynn44 Posted - August 17 2007 : 6:09:20 PM
That is wonderful!!! I am just so proud of you!!!
Let us know when you get the interview up.


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Tune, 40, used by permission - composed by Ron Clarke

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