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 The Meaning of Life ...
 god and a stone

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
YoungNative Posted - April 25 2005 : 5:32:23 PM
Simple question that i want the mohicanlanders to help me ponder

If god is all powerful, can he create a stone that he cannot lift, and if he can lift it, does he cease being all powerful. Also, if he can't create the stone, does he cease to be all powerful.

Can he create the stone?

22   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Light of the Moon Posted - July 26 2007 : 10:17:11 PM
Tear it up brother!!!!
Obediah Posted - July 26 2007 : 12:54:59 PM
Originally posted by YoungNative

Simple question that i want the mohicanlanders to help me ponder

If god is all powerful, can he create a stone that he cannot lift, and if he can lift it, does he cease being all powerful. Also, if he can't create the stone, does he cease to be all powerful.

Can he create the stone?

This reminds me of Jesus' response to Satan, who was tempting Him to jump off the Temple:

"Jesus responded, "The Scriptures also say, 'You must not test the Lord your God.'" [Luke 4.12]
Light of the Moon Posted - July 26 2007 : 12:28:26 PM
Right on, Obi! Right on!
joseph wiggs Posted - July 23 2007 : 7:32:32 PM
Wilderness Woman,

He must have loved you tremendously. More importantly, he still loves you.
Wilderness Woman Posted - July 23 2007 : 12:34:25 PM
Right on, Obi!!
Obediah Posted - July 23 2007 : 12:02:43 PM
"...with God everything is possible." [Matt. 19.26] ...stones, healing, whatever!
Wilderness Woman Posted - July 22 2007 : 7:27:06 PM
Well, I really don't want to change the subject of this thread, but I do want to answer your question, Joseph. I was in mourning for my husband, who had died just a few months before. Although I was not at all angry with God, I think I was having some difficulty understanding why He had chosen to take this good man from me, and it may have shown in some unkind ways now and then.

No worries. With God's help, I am healed and quite well now.
joseph wiggs Posted - July 22 2007 : 7:04:19 PM
I thought your response was witty, amusing, and the essence of truth. God does allow us to do all things. Unlike man, he judges not. In a relatively short statement, you have captured the essential aspect of life; the opportunity to experience the good and the bad.

What was the state of mind you were in at the time?
Wilderness Woman Posted - April 02 2006 : 09:38:59 AM
Originally posted by Wilderness Woman
...He can do anything -- Including giving some of us the ability to come up with interesting, and sometimes ridiculous, word puzzles.

Bringing this old post back to the fore has given me the chance to reread my words. The opinion I stated about the attributes of God has not changed; however, I do apologize for coming off sounding accusatory toward Young Native. The above sentence was actually supposed to be directed toward whomever originally came up with that puzzle, not YN. So sorry!

(Must have been due to the state of mind I was in at the time...)
Lainey Posted - April 01 2006 : 9:02:17 PM
"Simple question that i want the mohicanlanders to help me ponder-
If god is all powerful, can he create a stone that he cannot lift, and if he can lift it, does he cease being all powerful. Also, if he can't create the stone, does he cease to be all powerful.
Can he create the stone?"

The answer ... (absolutely knowable, by the way):
God cannot contradict His own perfect nature. Just as God cannot sin, God cannot create anything that limits Himself, or that is in anyway greater than Himself. An unliftable stone is not possible because God is infinitely powerful. Does the impossibility of an unliftable object negate God's omnipotence? No, it is God's omnipotence itself that negates the possibilty.

God can not cease being God.
benicio Posted - March 31 2006 : 12:24:14 PM
well,if He creates new reality without gravity(wow -i'm a poet )-this question drops dead
Wilderness Woman Posted - September 22 2005 : 08:45:41 AM
Because He is Omnipotent, Omnipresent, and Omniscient, He can do anything -- Including giving some of us the ability to come up with interesting, and sometimes ridiculous, word puzzles.
joseph wiggs Posted - September 18 2005 : 10:11:34 PM
Why would God attempt to "Lift" anything he created? secondly, why would he create a thing he could not lift? What you have described are the actions of "Man" who is manifested by his Ego. God has no Ego, therefore your question is moot.
Monadnock Guide Posted - April 28 2005 : 12:13:35 PM
Keep thinking "leviatation" ... works as well as "creating" the thing in the first place.
Christina Posted - April 28 2005 : 12:06:25 PM
this is one of those questions that used to cause those of us in 8:30 a.m. "Reality and Appearance" philosophy lecture to slam our heads into the desk...
Kaylynn44 Posted - April 26 2005 : 08:36:14 AM
Yes i know god doesnt need to challenge himself, but thats not the point...i just think its an interesting thing to think about.

This question is one of those questions that all you can do is ponder. There is no real answer because nobody would really know whether God would make such a stone, nor would we know if he would lift it. Only God would know that.

Monadnock Guide Posted - April 26 2005 : 07:28:49 AM
Need not worry about the question YN, - God, being God, can cannot not only create a large heavy rock, but can suspend gravity also. ;)
blueotter Posted - April 25 2005 : 11:25:13 PM
Young Native,
One of the quotes in your Mohican signature...

"In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." -M. L. King Jr.

...was also in someone's signature on the website I listed in my post above. I thought that was interesting... a philosophical synchronisity?
YoungNative Posted - April 25 2005 : 11:19:23 PM
Hmm, i never saw that episode, i merely heard the comment in my biology class....

Yes i know god doesnt need to challenge himself, but thats not the point...i just think its an interesting thing to think about.
susquesus Posted - April 25 2005 : 11:02:18 PM
This is a question I lifted off George Carlins' 1972 classic comedy album, "Class Clown". Side two features: 1. I used to be Irish Catholic 2. the confessional 3.Special Dispensation and 4.Heavy Mysteries. Being raised Lutheran this was my introduction to the Catholic faith. Protestants and Catholics didn't mix much in my hometown which was until recently 99% white bread Christian.
One day in confirmation I asked Pastor Delk, "If indeed God is all powerful can he create a rock so heavy that he himself cannot lift it?" Pastor Delk humored me and gave a rather bland explantation that I've long since forgotten. Good to see that these "heavy" questions are still rolling around.
Kaylynn44 Posted - April 25 2005 : 10:21:20 PM
Simple question that i want the mohicanlanders to help me ponder

If god is all powerful, can he create a stone that he cannot lift, and if he can lift it, does he cease being all powerful. Also, if he can't create the stone, does he cease to be all powerful.

Can he create the stone?

I don't think that God needs to challenge himself in that way. He is all knowing and all powerful, and since he is all knowing, he knows better than to play mortal games. He doesn't have to prove anything to himself. He already knows what he can do.

blueotter Posted - April 25 2005 : 8:14:42 PM
Oh My! Headache fodder!

I wouldn't even TRY to answer that one, but I found a website that might ask some similar questions:


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