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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Diana Posted - February 12 2016 : 12:56:06 PM
Hi everyone:

Haven't been here in quite a while. Anyhoo, I thought I would pass on something I saw on PBS the other night. This is Season 3 of that 'Finding Your Roots'. This episode had John McCain, Julianne Moore and Patricia Arquette. What I thought would appeal to you is that Ms Arquette is directly descended from a British soldier who fought at Ft. William Henry in 1757 and also survived the massacre.

One other thing is that Sen McCain is descended from a John Washington who lived the 1600s and is a cousin of Geo Washington.

Genealogy is quite fascinating. Adds a lot of relevance to history.

Best regards,

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Monadnock Guide Posted - February 19 2016 : 2:26:31 PM
Spot on Diana ...
Diana Posted - February 19 2016 : 1:33:17 PM
No arguments here.

Back to my first point, Ms. Arquette's ancestor was at Fort William Henry in 1757. Highly relevant in that this website and LOTM is about that conflict.

All the best.

Monadnock Guide Posted - February 18 2016 : 4:47:18 PM
When we get right down to it, we must face the truth that we're all hopelessly inbred. It's a question of basic mathematics - there simply aren't enough ancestors to go around. To understand what I mean, let's say you were born in 1975, your parents were both born in 1950, your four grandparents were born in 1925, your eight great-grandparents in 1900, and so on. In other words, your number of ancestors doubles every 25 years the further back in time you go.

If you take this back just 1,000 years, you'll find that you have well over 500 billion ancestors in a single generation. Considering there's fewer than seven billion people on this planet - and even that is far, far more than any other point in human history - there's something seriously wrong here. The solution, of course, is that you don't have 500 billion distinct ancestors, but rather a much, much smaller number of ancestors reappear over and over and over again in your family tree.

Figuring out just how many of your ancestors in a given generation were "real" and how many were duplicates can make for some fascinating statistics:
Diana Posted - February 18 2016 : 4:10:16 PM
MG--I agree. So, whether you look at it as an 'evolutionist' or as descendants of Adam (via Noah and thus: Ham, Shem and Japeth), we are connected. Its the journey between then and now that is fascinating.

By the way, I also saw that the Ice Man that they found in the frozen in the Alps is genetically closely related to the people who have been living on Sardinia for thousands of years.


Monadnock Guide Posted - February 14 2016 : 4:43:33 PM
Interesting info Diana - thx. ... It escapes me now - but what's that idea that in someway we're all related???

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