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 A Dream about the Mail Box and Old Gang

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Bean Posted - January 09 2006 : 01:26:07 AM
I had a dream last night that is was back around 1969/70 in our Mail Box High School Days. Butch, Richie and me went for one of our usual aimless rides to nowhere either in Richies Mother's Caddy or the infamous LOLA Ford Station wagon listening to our assorted music tapes of The Kinks, Deep Purple, Spirit, Stepponwolf, Hendrix, plus every other obscure band you never heard of! Our usual ride consisted of crusing around the Island down in to Long Beach, Island Park and occassionaly other places always looking for 3 things in this order girls(sex), drugs, and trouble. Usually we found them in the reverse order, we always found trouble, usually found drugs and never found enough girls, but we did and that's another story??? Anyway my dream was short and we never got to far but all I remember was us saying goodbye to each other like see ya tomorrow, so long bean, see ya doofus, and I saw Richie walk in to his mothers house and Butch and me walked up to Frankilin Rd, where he turned right down to his house and I continued past Foch's house to Sobro Ave where I lived...then I woke up! Those were good memories, I miss those days, I miss The Mail Box and all those who I met there, the Old Gang, Foch, Dink, Eddie, Doc, Skinny Vinnie, Eddie, Doofus, Richie, Benny, Ronnie, Roger, Mark, Peggy, Baby Fats, Janie, Judy ( both Judy's Judy D and Judy Macow. ) and all those I left out and even those down at the Green who weren't the Mail Box Gang but still the Valley Stream Gang from Central High and the surrounding area...
" I'd go back if I could only find a way "....
as Ray Davies said in this song...

If ever you think about the happiest days of your life
Cast back your mind for a while
And remember the time when you were a child.
Don't think of things that make you sad,
Just remember all the good times that you had.

Do you remember only happy days,
Full of flaming Junes and summer holidays?
Or do you remember those stormy Novembers
As we walked in the wind and the rain?
Schooldays were such happy days
Now they seem so far away,
I remember and I'll always treasure.
Schooldays were the happiest days of your life
But we never appreciate the good times we have
Until it's too late.

I miss all the acquaintances we made
And I'd go back if I could only find a way,
Schooldays were the happiest days
Though at the time they filled me with dismay.
We only remember what we choose to remember.
When I was a schoolboy I loathed regulations and rules
I hated my textbooks and my school uniform,
'Cos it made me conform,
And teachers were always disobeyed,
But I'd go back if I could only find a way.

Schooldays were the happiest days,
Now they seem so far away.
I remember and I'll always treasure
Schooldays were the happiest days of your life
But we never appreciate the good times we have
Until it's too late.
Now I wish I hadn't strayed,
And I'd go back if I could only find a way.
Those schooldays.

I miss the Mail Box
I miss the Vilage Green
I miss the old gang
and the way life use to be

We are the Vallley Stream Preservation Society
God Save the Village Green and all those who we once knew.
25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Bean Posted - September 19 2006 : 12:48:27 AM
Hope they don't lock the door and throw away the key?
doc Posted - July 19 2006 : 2:13:00 PM
That only makes sense but remember you are talking about the IRS. Perhaps he could change is name to "The artist formaly known as Jay"? I don't think there will be many benefit concerts, according to the news paper he apparently lost his $ as a result of a gambling habit. Residuals probably do not amount to very much.
richm Posted - July 19 2006 : 11:08:14 AM
Doc: I can't say that I have the pleasure of knowing Mr. Black. I did work with him once. Though never a fan of Jay, or the Americans, or even Jay and the Americans, I do sympathize with his plight, and think it unfair that the feds would strip him of the right to use his own name at gigs. I don't remember his real name, and I am sure that Jay wouldn't care to remember it either, but people would only pay to see Jay Black sing all those hit songs. If the feds want to collect back taxes from him, wouldn't they want him to earn some big bucks so his salary can be garnished? Maybe Willie Nelson can throw a benefit for him....
doc Posted - July 18 2006 : 10:45:15 AM
Rich M -

I just read today that Jay Black has been running into some financial difficulties. We used to run into him when we worked the Concord Hotel. Did you know him?

richm Posted - March 20 2006 : 9:02:44 PM
You're right again, Doc. Gus was known as Teddy. He was really great with kids. His heart was broken when his son was arrested for arson. The son had been setting fires in town.
We had a Bungalow Bar truck come through my neighborhood at times, and of course in Brooklyn I remember them as a small child. Their trucks all had the pitched roof with shingles. The modern ice cream truck is an abomination and should be outlawed! Bring back the old trucks with the smelly exhaust and the ice cream man dressed in white. He must also wear the change maker on his belt.
doc Posted - March 20 2006 : 7:09:30 PM
Originally posted by richm

There was an ice cream man named Gus, who drove a truck with 'American Bar' painted on the side. It was one of those old fashioned trucks and he covered my side of Valley Stream (the west near Merrick Rd.) at the right time (right after dinner). A Good Humor truck also made the rounds, but wasn't the preferred choice in our neighborhood. Anybody remember Gus?

I think we all remember Gus. When he first started coming around (late 50"?), we called him Teddy. His company was Teddy Bros. Don't know how or why I remember that. I even remember Bungalow Bar from when I was in Brooklyn...
richm Posted - March 19 2006 : 10:13:25 PM
There was an ice cream man named Gus, who drove a truck with 'American Bar' painted on the side. It was one of those old fashioned trucks and he covered my side of Valley Stream (the west near Merrick Rd.) at the right time (right after dinner). A Good Humor truck also made the rounds, but wasn't the preferred choice in our neighborhood. Anybody remember Gus?
caysold Posted - February 03 2006 : 6:35:03 PM

I will try my best to make 1 of them. I'll email you when I look at my calendar and see what might work best for me. I remember seeing them for the first time- I think it was Carnegie Hall- could that be possible- probably 71-72? So much of that time is a haze for me

I will check out the IP website too.

Bean Posted - February 03 2006 : 12:59:44 AM
I just sent you an email about this...
Ray Davies 3 NYC dates
March 24th through the 26th at Irving Plaza ticket on sale next week not sure exact sale date...I think Wednesday March 8th...

You should definitely go to 1 show. I'll be at all 3 as usual!!!

caysold Posted - February 02 2006 : 9:38:17 PM

HI. The guy's name is Mike Chiklis & yes, I remember his other show. He is brutal on The SHield- but excellent acting.

I would love to see Ray if he is in the area- please keep me posted.

I spent the day making "rock cycle" fudge with the kids so I am WIPED OUT!!!! Try getting 125 kids organized to make something and then you see what the future of our country is!!!!!

Take care,

Bean Posted - February 02 2006 : 12:51:23 AM
I have watched The Shield a few times and like it. Andrea watches it more than I do because I usually have to leave for work. The guy on the Shiled ( forgot his name ) use to have another cop show before thast called " The Commish " do you remember that one?

btw...Ray has booked a show in Boston for March 28th so the NY shows should be the week after or before, as soon as I know I'll let you know. We got tickets for the Boston show today.
caysold Posted - February 01 2006 : 09:48:29 AM

Hi. Rescue me is on FX on Tues nights at 10pm. Right now The Shield is on- I think it comes back in March or so. The story revolves around a NYC firehouse and the personal lives of the guys in it. The creator & star is Denis Leary- so if you like him- you'll love this show. He is a very good actor.

Bean Posted - February 01 2006 : 12:08:06 AM
I'm not familiar with Rescue me. I'll have to ask Andrea if she know about that show. What's it about, wheni is it on, channel??? - Frank
caysold Posted - January 30 2006 : 9:27:56 PM
You mentioned some great old shows Frank.

My current favs are Sopranos, Rescue Me, any Law & Order & Lost.

I think that Rescue Me has some of the best writing I have ever heard on tv. I look forward to see how the plot thickens after the tragedy of connor's death.


Bean Posted - January 30 2006 : 11:51:09 AM
My current favorite TV show is Monk, he reminds me of me.!!! Plus I just love cop shows from way back. Also Law and Order, NYPD Blue, going all the way back to the 60's of Dragnet and 77 Sunset Strip and everything in between from Hawaii five 0, the Rookies, Adam 12, CHIPS, Charlies Angels, The A Team, McGuyver, and so on and so on...

Also HBO faves are the Soprano's, Sex in the City, and Six Feet Under,

but my real love and all time favorites are the old TV shows and movies like Abbott and Costello, Laurel & Hardy, 3 Stooges, Bowery Boys/Dead End Kids, Superman ( the original TV show! ) Mayerry RFD/Andi Griffith, Topper, Munsters ( Adams Family but Munsters are better to me ) Gomer Pyle, Dennis the Mennis, Leave it to Beaver, Father Knows Best, Donna Reed, Bewitched, I Dreamof Jeannie,and all the other shows from those eras. ....Cartoons too like Hucklyberry Hound, Augie Doogie and Doggie Daddy, Couragous Cat and Minute Mouse, Krazy Kat, Felix the Cat, Popyee, Yogi Bear, Woody Woodpecker, Donald Duck, Bugs Bunny, Quicks Draw McGraw, ect...

I'm sure I left out a ton of stuff above but you get the idea...

caysold Posted - January 28 2006 : 3:48:46 PM
Thanks for the kind words Elena. I do try and mix it up all the time so I am a little less borrrrring- as the kids say. I tell them that one of these days I am going to have a few of them try and teach a class and see how hard it is to be exciting

I have just been discovering different ways to incorporate more technology into the classroom and I hope to write some grants to get IPods for class use. Did you see MAd Hot Ballroom? I am hopefully bringing that group in through a grant I wrote up this fall. Our students very much fit the same description of the inner city kids in that movie and I believe that they would greatly benefit from an increase in their self esteem.

All for now. I am off to calculate report card grades- ugh!

Hopefully, I don't age years everyday - I just get additional gray hairs.

Take care everyone,

elena Posted - January 28 2006 : 12:14:35 PM
Carla, I bet that you are a great teacher! You sound like lots of fun! Pink Floyd and The March of the Penguins. Art and Music!! Teachers work so hard, even just to prepare for a single class. Sandro ages five years everytime he is done teaching for the day.

richfed Posted - January 28 2006 : 09:44:56 AM
Originally posted by doc


20+ years as a guidance counselor.. Regents week just ended.

I can relate to your kids. all I usually want to see are martial arts, historical documentaries, and fart joke movies! (I did see Madigasgar though) I will also be happy to watch any movie with Hally Berry or Salma Hayek. Hmmmm. a young Steven Segal or Jet Lee with Salma Hayek and Hally Berry in a movie about Gettysburg and lots of fart jokes! Could be a hit!

Sounds like a winner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
caysold Posted - January 27 2006 : 9:36:55 PM
Hi. I just lost the message I was typing so, here I go again....

Doc & Elena,

I do appreciate the occasional Adam Sandler or Jim CArey movie but unfortunatley I can't justify having them watch a Brad Pitt flick

I saw an item on the news this evening about a teacher who got in trouble for showing his kids " The 40 yr old Virgin", he must have been smoking some pretty powerful stuff when he loaded that dvd into the player

I love the Simpsons too...Groening is genius. My kids love Sponge Bob-
I do too!!! Did you know that a science teacher created SBob?

Doc, glad that you got thru Regents week- I hate these test weeks. I wish that we could really do portfolio type assessments instead so kids would be able to show their talents in so many different mediums.
Elena, I do try and incorporate art alot into my instruction- they love it and I hope to start including music soon also. I have collected small instruemnts from tag sales, etc and have enough now so we could start up a band.

Everyone have a great weekend!



elena Posted - January 27 2006 : 8:16:08 PM
My favorite TV show is The Simpsons!
doc Posted - January 27 2006 : 4:27:32 PM

20+ years as a guidance counselor.. Regents week just ended.

I can relate to your kids. all I usually want to see are martial arts, historical documentaries, and fart joke movies! (I did see Madigasgar though) I will also be happy to watch any movie with Hally Berry or Salma Hayek. Hmmmm. a young Steven Segal or Jet Lee with Salma Hayek and Hally Berry in a movie about Gettysburg and lots of fart jokes! Could be a hit!
caysold Posted - January 19 2006 : 11:24:17 PM

Wow, I could have the degree mass produced and wallpaper my office

I am in my last 6 months of the program- I am also taking it through CNR and the New Rochelle school district- half price and they hold the classes at our high school- so good deal all around.

I didn't know that you are in education- tell me more!

We had day 1 of State ELA testing today and at least we had lights

I showed MArch of the Penguins to the kids for the afternoon block and it surprised me how much they liked it. Usually all they want to see is violence or Dumb & DUmber type movies.

All for now.

My best,
doc Posted - January 19 2006 : 9:40:42 PM
Originally posted by caysold

I decided to get this degree because I wanted to give myself options as I get older because teaching is really a young peron's job.


Where are you going for your admin certification? I got mine through the College of New Rochelle up near you. They have inexpensive extention programs. You might want to check it out if you still have a long way to go. (I use mine as a shelf liner. It works very nicely!)

administrativly yours,
Bean Posted - January 19 2006 : 02:55:49 AM
I should know better since I quote than John line myself to other people. Ray Davies has a similar one in " LIfe Goes On "

Life goes on.
It happens ev'ry day.
So appreciate what you got
Before it's taken away.
Life will hit you
When you're unprepared,
So be grateful and take all
That you can while you're there.
Get that frown off your head,
'Cause you're a long time dead.
Life goes on and on and on.
Life goes on and on and on.

No use runnin' 'round lookin' scared,
Life could get you when you're unaware.
One day it's gonna come, so you better accept it.
Life will hit you when you least expect it.
And one day when you are gone,
You know that life will still go on.
But no one'll care if you've been good, bad, right or wrong.
Life will still go on.

That weather yesterday morning made my commute home take 4 hours!!!
They had the upper level of the GWB close so the Cross Bronx was stopped, so I headed up the Sprain to the Tappanzee only to find that completely closed in both directions, I sat on 278 about 3 miles from the TZB for over 2 hours not moving until they opened the Bridge...

Hope you got your power back Carla....
caysold Posted - January 18 2006 : 4:35:41 PM

Give yourself some credit for making it through the crazy times and enjoy what you have. Remember what John said:
"...life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans..."

What a trip today was- we had a full on black out the whole day. So no testing happened and we had 1200 kids between gym, cafeteria & auditorium- talk about a captive audience!

We may not even have power for tomorrow- so I am hoping for a black out day and no babysitting


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