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 3R Microfilm and the Valbrook Diner&Jeff Rubenstei

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Bean Posted - March 18 2003 : 12:44:54 AM
Richie -
Remember our short stint as night mirco film workers at 3R Mircofilm by the Trestle on Merrick Road in Valley Stream, and out breaks at the Valbrook diner stuffing our faces with Roast Beef Sandwiches, fries while flirting with the waitress Susan Dubrow I think her name was, she was from the Central my year 1971 I believe, she use to go out with Jeff Rubenstein I believe. OK trivia ? what band did did Jeff play bass for and who was in it? Jeff was working at the Central Bike and Mower store in Valley Stream some time during the early 80's I believe, that was the last I heard of him? Anyone else know any thing more recent. And Richie remember the night the cops showed up around 3AM with their guns drawn at 3R because the alarms went off and we were in the middle of having a film fight, throwing film all over the place so when the cops came barging in they found us with film strewn all over the place hanging from the ceiling and we had to convince them that we worked there and weren't robbing the place ! Oh brother...
" Here's another fine mess you got me in to " - Bean
25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Bean Posted - March 29 2003 : 11:25:28 AM
Aren't they supporting cast members on the Soprano's...?
Need a body disposed of? Call The Petillo's for all your butchering needs ! ...
Washington Ave school now there's some memories..I actually kept breaking out of my kindregarden class...
Mike Fortunato, the esposito twins Joan & Jane, Dooreen Tola, Rosalie Corona, Arnold Barton ( who is probably a rocket scentist now ) just to name a few from that era...
richfed Posted - March 29 2003 : 08:40:46 AM
Originally posted by moonhaze9

Yeah...I knew A.J.'s brother Willy.

Bill Petillo! I went to school with him, from Shaw Avenue - Washington Ave, actually - all the way through Central ... "Bill the Butcher" ... hee hee ... ... Great guy! Wonder what the Petillos are up to!?
Bean Posted - March 27 2003 : 01:11:59 AM
Oh Pleeeezzzzze NO not the embarrassing ! like the time at a Foch's house at a new years eve party when I dropped my pants for a moon shot and fell in to the Chistmas tree and everything toppled over, me, the tree, and ornaments...all I can remember is the pine needles hurting some of my more sensitive exposed areas, and I know someone captured this in a photo, I can remember seeing my bare bottom in a photo but I guess that could be one of many? I think during the Iggy/Holy name night I came pretty closed to losing all my clothes too...> Bean aka Frank
ElenaR Posted - March 27 2003 : 01:02:17 AM
Doc, I too am amazed at your incredible memory. I have alot of the same memories of the bands etc that you do. I just don't have all the doors open, it takes an outside force to open them. I think you wrote everything down back then for future references, good, bad OR embarrassing. Elena
doc Posted - March 23 2003 : 8:50:22 PM
Originally posted by Bean

Yeah, Doc how do you?
Was that the only name his band used I seem to remember there being another? Beano

Joe played drums with Wes Houston in the mid 70's also.
Bean Posted - March 23 2003 : 8:39:26 PM
Yeah, Doc how do you?
Was that the only name his band used I seem to remember there being another? Beano
Artangus Posted - March 23 2003 : 5:37:45 PM
doc Posted - March 23 2003 : 4:54:23 PM
Originally posted by Bean

now what was the name of Joe Piazza's band?

"The Velvet Experience"
Bean Posted - March 23 2003 : 4:34:26 PM
Jeffrey, thanks for sharing those memories, I remember Jack and his band with Steve and Willie, some really vivid memories ! Jack was seling Real Estate for a while in the mid to late 70's, somehwhere on Long Beach Road in Oceanside I think. Wasn't Jack Patti and John Urgo cousins, that's how I think I knew what Jack was doing, I use to run in to Urgo now and then.
OK Jeff now what was the name of Joe Piazza's band? Remember Joe was the drummer, I can't even recall who else was in it, but I use to go to some of their practices.at Joes Garage...Frank (Zappa )
moonhaze9 Posted - March 23 2003 : 12:38:57 PM
Yeah...I knew A.J.'s brother Willy. He was also a drummer and played with Jack Patti Band... or Deerfield Conway. Hey.. where is Jack Patti?? I remember Doc getting me into some weird musical stuff with Jack. (I went willingly actually).
Anyway.... here I am in New Hampshire.... just a few towns over from Deefield... and a few hours from Conway. Everytime I see the sign on the interstate that says Deerfield-Conway.... I am reminded of the great Jack Patti Band...with Steven Godfrey was it? Sal played keyboards... hmmmmm 'scuse me while I kiss this guy
Bean Posted - March 23 2003 : 11:21:51 AM
Hey Art, I think I was also supposed to be going with you and Tommy to the Filmore to see Hendrix & the Band of Gypies on New Yeare Eve...I know someone had a tik for me like 3rd or 4th row center and for some unknown reason to me I didn't go, and I kick myself every time I think of missing that legendary show...in the past two years I have been at shows one by Pearl Jam and One by Patti Smith where in the middle of one of their own songs they went in to part of " Machine Gun " from that Hendrix New Years Eve show...
and A.J. Petillo...now there's a blast from the past, I forgot his older ( and meaner ) big brothers name who worked in their family's butcher shop on Merrick Rd? I had forgotton that he was in the original Tree formation...and Arthur sooner or later I'll get around to posting some of my Filmore and Fathers place experiences...Frank

PS..although I liked Fairport Convention a lot I have yet to aquire a taste for Richard Thompson although I end up seeing him a lot beacuse Andrea is a big fan of his...
One song I like alot is the one about the Black Vincent motorcyle...maybe that's why I like Arlo ...
" I don't want a pickle, just want to ride on my motorsickle " btw Arlo and Dylan were amazing at the Newport Folk Festival last summer !
Artangus Posted - March 23 2003 : 09:35:04 AM
I still can remember the great way that Tommy played his guitar like the great Jeff Beck, and he was the person that got me started playing his records. He also got me into Fairport and Richard Thompson and Sandy Denny, and I can still remember going with Jerry to the Fillmore East to see Jeff Beck with Rod Stewart on Vocals... That brings me back to the first time I went to the Fillmore to see the great Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention, they were top billing that night, the band that played first was Chicago Transit Authority later they called them Chicago. Second billing was Buddy Miles Express.... I went with Bruce (buggy) to see the Who on a Sunday show they were un real.. Then there was the night I was going to see Jimmy Hendrix on New Years Eve with Tommy Lieber that was the nite we lost each other over some pot and we both missed the show! (that is a whole other story) Any one out there have any good storys about the Fillmore or My Fathers Place in Roslyn.. I must have travled to the fillmore more the a dozen times each time crazyer then the next!
doc Posted - March 23 2003 : 12:18:46 AM
Originally posted by Cottonmouth

Moonhaze9: I remember Krystal Balloon and Mario as well. What ever happened to Mario? A very unique individual. I always enjoyed spending time with him.

Mario has lived out on LI , (Shirly area)since the mid 70's. I saw him about a year ago. I just posted a photo of him this AM.
Cottonmouth Posted - March 22 2003 : 6:55:12 PM
Moonhaze9: I remember Krystal Balloon and Mario as well. What ever happened to Mario? A very unique individual. I always enjoyed spending time with him. It was always an adventure! PS: Rubenstein was obsessed with the whole gay thing. I remember that too about him. He asked me as well during the whole "Gus and..." thing. He said "It's OK with me if you are...just don't touch me!" I laughed or something at him.
moonhaze9 Posted - March 22 2003 : 6:14:57 PM
Wow...Krystal Balloon!! Phenominal band with a horrible name. (I think) That was Mario Defransesco on rhythm guitar,(the amazing lead guitarist)Thomas, Steve Nodo...(whose basement had more equipment than Sam Ash, Ticky on drums (A major influence on me)... Lovely guy, also played bagpipes real well.... and their lead singer's name I never knew. I was very fortunat to play with them in Steve Nodo's basement a few times. Very intimidating. Then Mario and I started playing together in my basement. We became good friends and he used tolet me drive his huge Lincoln Continental before I had a liscense. Very trusting. They introduced me to all this British/Folk/stuff like Richard Thompson and Sandy Denny...Fairport Convention... Dando Shaft...etc... Great folks.

The Tree that I remember best was Peter on Guitar, Daidone on Bass and the legendary A.J. Petillo on drums. Awesome!! And their Cat's Squirrel WAS Incredable. (Hey..where is the spell check on this thing??)
Years later I played drums with Tree with Ben on Guitar and Jeff Rubinstein on Bass. I think I replaced the lovely Bob Carapezza.
When they asked me to join the band... I remember Rubinstein being very concerned that I might be gay. I think he wouldn't have played with me if I were. I should have smacked him. That would have proved it I guess. sorry
Bean Posted - March 20 2003 : 12:23:24 AM
Hi Elena, it seems like everyone worked at 3R at one time or another !!! I think the big boss or owner was Fred something or other and he was an asshole I agree !
I don't remember Joe going out with Doreen but any thing is possible...we all got around a bit too much in those days of " Sex, Drugs & Rock n Roll "...>

Bean Posted - March 20 2003 : 12:17:28 AM
Didn't the Alessi Brothers form another band after the Cream sound alike band Sound Congragation ( which opened up for FTW at the Green band shell once )broke up called Photomaker that released two albums on Atlantic records with Dino Dinelli from the Young Rascals on drums ? As for CottonMouth that was supposed to be band by 2 of the ex FTW members Jimmy Doc and Louis Dolci but correct me if I am wrong Lou or Doc, never got off the ground right? Kat I didn't know Phil or Mike Curtis at least by name anyway, maybe if I saw them? btw Kat do you know where Bob Carapezza is today, or what he is doing? His old friend and Tree bandmate Ben Daidone wanted to know. Remember Tree, which I think started out with Ben Daidone on bass, Peter Holtz & Joe Greco on Guitar, and Bob Carapezza on Drums..., I can remember the first time I saw them at the Green and they did an amazing cover of Cat Squirell the instrumental off the first Jethro Tull album " This Was "...
and Kat do you or Ricky remember or know the Band Crystal Baloon that had the amazing Mario on Guitar in it, and possibly Guy Peritore too. guy went on to play with Elephants Memory and left tem just as they became John Lennon's new back up band, he moved out to LA and Joined the Motels right around the time " Only the Lonely " became a hit...I played with Guy, the Alessi brothers, and Mario a couple of times during some infamous jam sessions, I think your husband even jammed with us in my parents garage once or twice, ask him? as for who the us was, well it could have been anybody from parts of FTW, & Finger, to anybody since at any given time any one who was anyone in the Valley Stream music scene probably stopped by my garage to play...I think Richie may still have some of the infamous tapes of some of those sessions, including are Inna Gadda Divida length versions of 2 minute Kinks
songs with pete Holtz or Jerry Pennolino...> Bean

and then there was the band Human Rice who also opened for an FTW Green show and did an amazing cover of the MC5's " Kick out the Jams!
elena Posted - March 20 2003 : 12:05:45 AM
I also worked at 3R Microfilm, but don't remember when, only that the boss, cannot remember his name, was an asshole - he had a one-way mirror so you never knew when he was watching you, and I sat next to someone who made me laugh all the time and we were always afraid we were going to get fired, because we were always cracking up. KatCoconut mentioned Joe Greco - is that the guy that went out with Doreen Siracusan who also went out with Eddie Abramowitz and does anyone know where she's at?
Bean Posted - March 19 2003 : 4:34:01 PM
Richie -
I seem to remember you saying those exact words as only you can say it! In fact just reading it here I can almost hear them in my head!
Uh Oh, must be those acid induced flash backs !
or in the words of the imortatal David Peel and the Lower East Side,
" LSD Got a Hold on Me " ...your Bean Frankie
richfed Posted - March 19 2003 : 07:22:14 AM
Regarding Lola up the driveway at 90MPH, on acid:

Bean, if I'm not mistaken, that might be one of the times I checked on my composure, calmly rose, and said, in a rather low-key fashion:

Frank, I'm gonna kill you!!!!!!

Seems I remember something like that!
Bean Posted - March 19 2003 : 06:02:58 AM
I think the NC stories could be a book but then again all these stories could...don't forget the one about when we were at Anna Bannana Bit Tits Tuttles house or was it Courtney's and I was tripping and got the keys to your Car the infamous " Lola " mobile Falcon station wagon and was reving up the engine in the back of the house and came flying up the driveway to the street and almost had the car airborne over the hump at the top of the driveway....
Bean...>where there is never a dull moment
and then there was our friendly Dudely D0-Right Park ranger...!

" almost cut my hair, happened just the other day "...and do you remember the Hendrix song " Freedom "...to this day I think of the Lenoir County Jail every time I hear that song...!!!
richfed Posted - March 19 2003 : 05:38:36 AM
Oh, man ... what a bunch of stories!!!

Bean ... the NC stories will be another thread one of these days. They deserve that!!!

Oh yes, Susan Dubrow at the diner in that tight, short black waitress dress with the white trim ... No, I don't remember that at all!!

Cottonmouth Lou - Frank worked there a lot longer than I did. I was there 2 times ... once in the spring of 1972, earning money for a hitchiking cross-country trip Butch & I were planning ... then, I got my job back in late '72-early '73, I think it was.

Dink! Roy was a pisser! I remember going to one of his sermons one Sunday. A blast! Ambico, bullet belts ... strikes! We were something! I still have a numb tip of my left middle finger from that place. Got it caught in one of the machines that punched holes in leather belts. Still have some of the fabric I saved from there, too! I used to sit there, working, and as the hours went by, I'd be tabulating how many albums I could buy at Sam Goody's come the weekend ... those were the days!
Bean Posted - March 18 2003 : 11:55:06 PM
I think it was in 71'or 72 when we worked at 3R, maybe Richie can confirm this, Neil the Foch also worked there later on for a while, were you there when he was there?...

and Dink, you Richie and Doofus locked in a care...now there's a sight...! Bean

Cottonmouth Posted - March 18 2003 : 11:01:17 PM
What year did you guys work at 3R Microfilm? I worked there in 1972 to 73 and met my ex-wife Carol there.
DINK Posted - March 18 2003 : 8:42:46 PM
Do you remember the time me,you,and Butch went on strike at Ambico?
We locked ourselves in your station wagon and wouldn't come out until
they gave us a 10 cent / hr raise. Roy (remember him the old preacher
who worked there p/t he was a great guy) was our negotiator. After
two hours of TENSE negotiations we won out! Four dollars an hour more
per week!! We stood our ground, and did not back down!!!

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