Ariel's Cabin Item Has a Glitch...

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Posted by Christina on June 11, 2001 at 21:26:31:

I know everybody is either about to head or heading for the Gathering as we speak, but for those who might read this...
As Miss Katie well knows, as she's heard me whinging about carpal tunnel syndrome for the past few months, I've been working on a cross stitch tapestry for Ariel's cabin. It's a scene of mountain woods and flowers with the traditional irish blessing on it. (May the road rise up...) etc. Anyway, the tapestry was almost finished but ran into what can only be called a Thread Emergency. i.e namely the company that distributes the pattern did not include enough of several of the shades of thread needed to finish this thing. therefore, it needed to be ordered causing...of course...a halt in work. Here's the deal...I'm bringing the tapestry to Gathering anyway. If you get a look at it, you can see the color scheme and size of it. I guarantee and swear by my two Hawkeye posters that I will have it finished within two weeks after Gathering as the thread will have come in by then. And I will ship it to you for no extra charge. So what you'll see is basically the tapestry minus a few minor details...All proceeds will, of course, go to Ariel. I hope this is kosher...I have kept Ariel in my thoughts while working on it these past months.
Please let me know if this is cool.

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