Strange Things a-Happenin'

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Posted by The Sassy Soothsayer on October 25, 1998 at 11:29:02:

Try, if you will, to imagine my surprise last night when I took my evening cruise over Mohicanland on
my Powerful Purple Paisley Magic Carpet, and discovered I was NOT alone!! I was followed
closely everywhere I went by a dark and eerie companion! Luckily, I had a handy-dandy little
device I picked up in my travels to the 20th Century...a Poe-La-Royd, or something like that.
Anyway, I was able to get an image of the little critter, with which I was able to back up my tale
when I tied my carpet to the hitching post outside Bumppo's Tavern, and went in for a midnight nip.
Of course, the rowdy crew of regulars there promptly tossed my Poe-La-Royd into the fireplace,
convinced it was a device for practicing the Dark Arts. Miss Sassy was lucky she escaped without
getting her tail feathers singed, herself. I've heard of things like that happening over Salem way!

At any rate, here's the can see for yourself that strange things are happening almost
hourly in Mohicanland. And you don't have to be a Sayer of Sassy Sooths to predict that the
situation is only going to get worse before it gets better!

Be on your guard,
Or "the gobbelin's 'll get YOU, ef you don't watch out!"
Sassy Soothsayer
Motto: A Picture's Worth a Thousand Words!

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