The Mohican Board! [Bumppo's Redux!]
The Mohican Board! [Bumppo's Redux!]
7/27/2024 4:36:03 AM
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This Day in History

War Whoops! [Shout Box]

Latest 12 Dispatches!
by Monadnock Hiker
in 7/23/2024 20:37
Topic: TimeLine - Documentary on the F&I war ...  L_Default075
by richfed
in 7/22/2024 05:09
Topic: Fort William Henry - The true story ...
Very good video! Thanks, MH!  L_Default075
by Monadnock Hiker
in 7/20/2024 21:58
Topic: Fort William Henry - The true story ...  L_Default075
by Fitzhugh Williams
in 7/4/2024 12:15
Topic: The Fort at No. 4 - Big changes (woke unfortunately) ...
Your reply sounds good. I hope they realize what they are doing and u...  L_Default075
by Monadnock Hiker
in 7/3/2024 17:52
Topic: The Fort at No. 4 - Big changes (woke unfortunately) ...
My reply to Alissa ... . Alissa et al - I'm truly sorry to hear abou...  L_Default075
by Fitzhugh Williams
in 7/3/2024 09:13
Topic: The Fort at No. 4 - Big changes (woke unfortunately) ...
That same thing has been happening at all the sites in my area. The o...  L_Default075
by Monadnock Hiker
in 7/1/2024 16:58
Topic: The Fort at No. 4 - Big changes (woke unfortunately) ...
The "To Whom It May Concern" - Is an email I sent to the Fort. ... The...  L_Default075
by Monadnock Hiker
in 6/25/2024 22:05
Topic: The Vermont Republic ...  L_Default075
by Monadnock Hiker
in 6/25/2024 09:57
Topic: Fort Venango ... . Fort Venango was a smal...  L_Default075
by Monadnock Hiker
in 6/4/2024 10:31
Topic: Market Days Fair ...
Well done, you have a great memory .... Happy Birthday ...  L_Default075
by Fitzhugh Williams
in 6/4/2024 09:17
Topic: Market Days Fair ...
Know what you mean. I was born the day before the Battle of Midway. ...  L_Default075
by Monadnock Hiker
in 6/3/2024 11:13
Topic: Market Days Fair ...
Yup ... Probably should have noted that. - It's the only fort within "...  L_Default075
Active Topics

Featured Poll:  Which version of The Last of the Mohicans do you prefer? - [Mostly, we are speaking of the 1992 Michael Mann version, though you can vote for "other" versions.]   
Theatrical Cut    Director's Expanded Edition    Blu-Ray Definitive Cut    Other   

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Collapse This Category MOHICAN BOARD COURIER    
Visit Are You Registered? Are You Registered?
Lurking is fine; but participation makes a board go! Register to enable your ability to post as well as to enjoy the other features of the Mohican Board!
Old Posts The Weekly Update ... !
Or, is it semi-weekly? No matter - regular updates on the web site comings & goings. Anyone can reply here; just keep it related - somewhat - to the material in the Weekly Update ... The Sachem Speaks! :)
61 827 March 20 2023
10:32:29 AM
by: Monadnock Hiker Jump to Last Post
Subject: Apparently, Woody Woodpecker is not a 'Mohicans' fan!
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Old Posts The Towne Crier's Square
Forum Announcements! - Make general announcements, pertinent to the scope of this Board, in this forum.
103 817 March 02 2024
3:43:39 PM
by: richfed Jump to Last Post
Subject: Top 5 Pages
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Old Posts The New Deal!
Confused with this new set-up? So were we! Really, though, it's quite easy and gives you much more control then in our old format. You'll find some tips for using this forum here, plus, you can utilize this area for "practice" posts. Play! Test posts & forum-related only [How do I ...?]! Try out our forums!
105 786 October 11 2020
1:55:10 PM
by: richfed Jump to Last Topic
Subject: TEST
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Collapse This Category LAST OF THE MOHICANS    
Old Posts The Last of the Mohicans ...
Hey, that's what we're here for, right? Sort of? Anyway, all things Mohican are fair game here. The "making of," the cast, the locations ... Remember, 6 degrees! F&I War and JFC specific material have their own forums, just below. LOTM-related only!
758 11390 February 18 2023
1:39:17 PM
by: richfed Jump to Last Post
Subject: LOTM Behind The Scenes
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Old Posts The LOTM Locations
"... One of the first things to strike me [about LOTM] was the gorgeous scenery permeating the film throughout. It prompted me to follow its often arduous trail and see to where it led. Not too surprisingly, it brought me to some of the most beautiful places in western North Carolina ..." That from our web site's home page. Surely, it deserves a forum here! The Locations, that is. Posts specific to film locations can be entered here!
43 329 March 13 2022
08:42:26 AM
by: Fitzhugh Williams Jump to Last Post
Subject: Another locations video
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Old Posts Cooper's Corner
Anyone who utilizes this site - and who enjoyed the film - owes it all, in the beginning, to one James Fenimore Cooper! Posts specific to the novel - or any of "The Leatherstocking Tales" - ought to be made in this forum ...
28 193 February 07 2012
7:37:35 PM
by: susquesus Jump to Last Topic
Subject: Free Cooper Ebooks
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Visit The James Fenimore Cooper Society The James Fenimore Cooper Society
Dedicated to the man who started it all ... James Fenimore Cooper!
Collapse This Category COLONIAL TIMES    
Old Posts Colonial Consciousness
NEW! People and places; clothing and food; social life and political rhetoric ... If it happened during the American Colonial period and you want to discuss it - right on through the Revolution - this is the place.
169 748 June 25 2024
10:05:47 PM
by: Monadnock Hiker Jump to Last Topic
Subject: The Vermont Republic ...
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New Posts The French & Indian War
Sure ... this overlaps with subject matter from "The Last of the Mohicans" forum ... that's ok ... no strictly defined lines here. But, for "hardcore" F&I War material, and listings of events, etc., consider posting here!
207 1995 July 23 2024
8:37:59 PM
by: Monadnock Hiker Jump to Last New Topic
Subject: TimeLine - Documentary on the F&I war ...
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Old Posts The Muster
A reenactor's area. A place to discuss events, methods, wares, accoutrements, and whatever else reenactors discuss ... as they relate to Colonial times ... Bring history to life!
209 2163 February 28 2024
11:14:30 AM
by: Fitzhugh Williams Jump to Last Post
Subject: Fort at No. 4 Schedule for 2024
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Visit New York's Independence Trail New York's Independence Trail
Tour the French & Indian War Sites [and more!] within New York State - after all, that is where "The Last of the Mohicans" really takes place!
Collapse This Category The GREAT MOHICAN GATHERINGS    
Forum Locked The Next Great Advent'cha! Gathering X - 2012
GATHERING 2010 NOW HISTORY! Pertinent pre-Gathering information, thoughts, and comments to be posted here!
7 60 July 14 2012
5:21:39 PM
by: richfed Jump to Last Post
Subject: Gathering 2012 Auction Items
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Old Posts Gathering Gossip & Ganders [?]
Discuss anything about the past 9 Great Mohican Gatherings ... From 1998 - 2010! Or, take it into the future ...
146 1472 March 13 2019
01:46:16 AM
by: Dark Woods Jump to Last Post
Subject: Sgt. Munro
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Old Posts Adorable Ariel's Auction Area
It's been 6 years now; six years of Mohican Gatherers helping a little one not nearly so fortunate as any of us. Why her? Why Ariel? We don't know. She just fell into our laps and became, in a way, our beautiful mascot. Help us help her! No eyes ...
36 251 September 02 2023
2:12:38 PM
by: Highlander775 Jump to Last Post
Subject: Ariel Boutette Has Passed Away
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Visit Ariel's Little Corner of Mohicanland Ariel's Little Corner of Mohicanland
Maybe, you'll be able to understand why ...
Collapse This Category MOHICANLAND: Community    
Old Posts Thought For The Day
Started by the Huggy Merchant after Gathering III, the tradition has slipped away, but why? And, why leave it all up to Huggy? RULE: One "thought" per day - replies allowed! If someone beats you to it, use yours the following day, OK? Thoughts ...
115 202 April 24 2024
12:28:56 AM
by: Dark Woods Jump to Last Post
Subject: A thought for the Day 1.1.2024
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Old Posts The Old WWW Board Archives
Links & discussion on anything from the "old" days! ... that's "ANYTHING"! Find a particularly interesting or unique thread while browsing the Old Board? Post a link to it here ... be descriptive in your title ... maybe some thoughts can be rekindled!
12 40 May 17 2006
07:47:22 AM
by: Seamus Jump to Last Post
Subject: On the Trail of the Last of the Mohicans - Dec., '97
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Old Posts Bunkhouse Banter!
Yep ... this has always been a community. Someone here having a birthday, anniversary, or something else of a personal nature you'd like to embarrass them with? "Just dropped in to see how you boys is doin'"? Say "hello" & chat right here! When you don't know where else to post it, post it here ...
577 7167 July 04 2024
12:15:48 PM
by: Fitzhugh Williams Jump to Last Post
Subject: The Fort at No. 4 - Big changes (woke unfortunately) ...
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Old Posts Bumppo's Blogging Barn
A place for diary-like blogging. Anything goes within the limits imposed by this community - i.e. no personal insults toward other members, no profanity, no explicit sexual material. Make Hawkeye proud!!

2 22 November 19 2009
07:42:20 AM
by: Monadnock Guide Jump to Last Post
Subject: Hellooo - anybody home??? ...
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Collapse This Category BUMPPIN' 'ROUND BUMPPO'S    
Old Posts The Tales MacWilliam ...
The continuing frontier saga of Many Flags, Magdalena, cousins Malcolm and Seamus, Three Tales, Davey Gunn, Uncle Angus, and more. Original historical fiction finds its way back to the Mohicanland Frontier! Pax Aye!

33 235 January 05 2008
9:46:58 PM
by: Seamus Jump to Last Post
Subject: Feb. 27, 2000, the Chronicles began
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Old Posts In The Tavern ... Wenches, Wahoos, and Girty!
For those of you - left behind, or who may someday return to the Tavern from the wilderness - who enjoyed this kind of thing, we re-open Bumppo's Tavern on the Frontier ... role play; fan fiction; historical fiction; whatever you want to call it, do it ... at Bumppo's! :) Hoist a tankard of ale, move closer to the fire, and listen to a story well-told.
78 233 March 09 2024
2:30:06 PM
by: Fitzhugh Williams Jump to Last Post
Subject: OT: - Ashville, NC ... (Kinda shady) ....
  Recent Topics in this forum
Forum Locked The LOTM Fan Fiction Forum
Up above, In The Tavern, we have more "Mohicanland Character" role playing. This new area is earmarked for direct LOTM role-playing/fan fiction. Rewrite the story as YOU see fit. Have fun! [Just keep it clean!] This forum is now password protected. If you'd like to post in this forum, please send us an e-mail for the password.
1 1 January 10 2012
12:49:20 PM
by: pala Jump to Last Topic
Subject: Last Of The Mohicans Fanfiction
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Collapse This Category OFF THE BEATEN TRAIL    
Old Posts Inside the Longhouse
Indigenous culture, history, events, films ... you name it! Non-specific to "The Last of the Mohicans," discuss anything Native ... be that the American Indian, or any other of the Native peoples of the World.
112 572 April 30 2024
09:24:30 AM
by: Fitzhugh Williams Jump to Last Post
Subject: Fort Anne - Nova Sccotia ...
  Recent Topics in this forum
Old Posts Movies, Movies, More Movies! Any Movies!
Seems there's always a yearning to discuss a film. Here's the place. Any film you'd care to talk about. Of course, many are within Six Degrees and can therefore be "legally" discussed in "The Last of the Mohicans" forum. YOU decide!
353 5209 June 22 2022
07:55:56 AM
by: Fitzhugh Williams Jump to Last Post
Subject: Terror on the Prairie
  Recent Topics in this forum
Old Posts Mohicanland's Recommended Reading
Books! Last of the Mohicans is a book ... it all started with a book! Post reviews of, and discuss, your favorite books - on any topic - here in this forum. Don't forget, JFC has his own forum up above - "Cooper's Corner".
100 597 February 05 2023
1:48:27 PM
by: Monadnock Hiker Jump to Last Post
Subject: Crime and Punishment
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Old Posts Historical Sites!
Open the door to the wonders unveiled by historical preservation. Reviews, recommendations, what to see/what to avoid, maps, photos ... Been there? Help fellow Mohicanites enjoy your experience, here in the Americas, or abroad in Europe, Asia, Africa, & Australia.
126 887 July 17 2022
12:50:04 PM
by: Monadnock Hiker Jump to Last Post
Subject: Company of Wolfe Argent ....
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Old Posts Into The Wilderness ...
Or, my private adventure in Mohicanland [or ANYWHERE!]. Historically-oriented tales, or not. Show & tell! For the fun of it! What I did on my summer vacation! You can ask for a Photo Album to go along with your tale, if you wish.
44 315 September 21 2021
07:56:13 AM
by: Fitzhugh Williams Jump to Last Post
Subject: Beeen thinking about it awhile & today I did it ...
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Collapse This Category The LIGHT IN THE FOREST    
Old Posts In the News ...
By popular demand! Place to post articles & information of interest that are currently In the News - for added comment & discussion, not necessarily debate. If it's In the News, it can be here, too!
160 487 September 02 2023
11:29:49 AM
by: Highlander775 Jump to Last Post
Subject: El Rushbo - The greatest fighter for liberty in my lifetime
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Old Posts The Meaning of Life ...
... or, is the World really round? The Philosophy Phorum ... for great thoughts & thinkers.
66 845 May 24 2017
3:10:37 PM
by: Monadnock Guide Jump to Last Post
Subject: More Than 2 Genders... WTH?
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Old Posts The Lion's Den ... International & Political Debate
Open forum for exploration of political & social issues affecting the World. This area of the Mohican Board may not be for everybody! Squeamish need not apply! Please, mind your manners! State your opinions, argue your viewpoint, but respect the opposition - and, most importantly, keep the discussion here! Happy debating!
260 2950 January 01 2023
10:50:56 PM
by: Monadnock Hiker Jump to Last Topic
Subject: Something to ponder ...
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Collapse This Category AGAINST ALL ODDS MESSAGE BOARD - Mohicans Version    
Visit Against All Odds Against All Odds
4 key conflicts in American History!
Old Posts Battle of the Little Bighorn - 1876
A hot, dusty Sunday ... a meandering river in a quiet valley ... two cultures clash in one of the most famous battles in history, Custer's Last Stand!
12 170 June 25 2011
7:11:33 PM
by: richfed Jump to Last Post
Subject: June 25, 1876
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Old Posts Gettysburg ... Pickett's Charge - 1863
More American soldiers died in this battle than in any other; more than in some entire wars. Pennsylvania farmland turned red with one of the most gallant, yet ill-advised, "charges" of recorded history. Full of pagentry, Pickett's Charge ended in disaster for the southern Confederacy ... their High Tide.
6 52 July 21 2013
7:03:27 PM
by: IWLFNDU Jump to Last Post
Subject: Gettysburg Sesquicentennial
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Old Posts The Alamo - 1836
An army of conscripts led by a ruthless dictator. A rabble of land grabbers, riff raff, and slave traders holed up in a crumbling Spanish mission. Who were the good guys? Heroism abounds during these 13 days to glory.
50 446 November 30 2013
2:11:13 PM
by: James N. Jump to Last Post
Subject: Alamo - The Price of Freedom
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Old Posts Lexington Green - 1775
From the French & Indian War to this ... The stillness of a cool & damp pre-dawn April morning is broken by the sound of approaching fifes & drums. The cream of the British Army faces off with colonial militia in what turned out to be little more than a skirmish. It resulted in "the shot heard 'round the world," and indeed, the world would never again be the same. A Nation is born.
9 48 February 29 2012
6:34:56 PM
by: Monadnock Guide Jump to Last Post
Subject: Photos of Lexington and Concord Today
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Old Posts British Colonial Warfare and Campaigns
British expansionism has, for centuries, been at the heart of the landscape of the world. Nary a continent was untouched. In particular, the 19th Century was a period of warfare, intrigue, and political maneuver. All of this is the subject of this forum - with the exceptions of the North American French & Indian War and the opening shots of the American Revolution - both of which have designated forums of their own.
7 49 February 14 2005
05:20:30 AM
by: Grenadier Jump to Last Post
Subject: The Zulu War of 1879 (Opening Shots)
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Old Posts Any Other Military Encounters - 1492 - Present
and beyond! ... from the annals of American History! From the shores of San Salvador to the rugged Afghanistan terrain ... cover the stuff we didn't on the "Against All Odds" Web Site! [NOTE: F&I War-related material should be posted above ... Thanks!] Current military events acceptable ...

* Please confine discussion to the EVENTS. Posts dealing with the POLITICS should be made in "The Lions Den" forum.
26 208 September 11 2014
8:42:10 PM
by: Monadnock Guide Jump to Last Edited Topic
Subject: War of 1812, - Little known but interesting ......
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Collapse This Category PARADE GROUND ... Those Who Bring History To Life    
Visit 3rd Pennsylvania Reg't of Foot, "The Augusta Regiment", Burd's Co'y 3rd Pennsylvania Reg't of Foot, "The Augusta Regiment", Burd's Co'y
The 3rd Battalion Pennsylvania Regiment Regiment of Foot, "The Augusta Regiment", was originally formed to build and garrison Ft. Augusta at the forks of the Susquehanna River at the site of the old Indian town of Shamokin, today known as Sunbury, Pennsylvania.
Visit Chemung Valley Living History Center Chemung Valley Living History Center
Our own Wilderness Woman's outfit helps to bring this encounter with the Iroquois in upstate New York to life! ... Supporting and promoting Newtown Battlefield State Park.
Visit The Feldjäger Corps Website The Feldjäger Corps Website
Dressed in green & recruited from huntsmen, game-keepers, foresters & hussars of the German principality of Hesse-Cassel, the jägers were the elite marksmen of the British army during the American rebellion.
Visit Muskets of the Crown: Montgomery's Highlanders Muskets of the Crown: Montgomery's Highlanders
The 77th Regiment of Foot
Visit Rumping Productions ... Living History Rumping Productions ... Living History
Step back in time with Living History Reenactors, Mike and Nancy Rumping. The Rumpings appear as Simon and Betsy Kenton and also as Squire and Jane Boone. The Rumpings are master storytellers who have been involved in reenacting and living history for over 30 years. Their live performances have been seen throughout the mid-west at living history events, museums, and as the main event at meetings, schools, libraries, and historical and genealogical societies. Mike passed away in 2020.
Visit Alone Yet Not Alone Alone Yet Not Alone
Triple Falls? Bridal Veil Falls? Set in the French & Indian War-era? Sound familiar? It should - set on the 1755 American frontier, it is the story of two sisters captured by Indians. And, yes, some locations from "The Last of the Mohicans" are used. Release date: June, 2014!
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