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 Exclusive Madeleine Stowe Interview!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
richfed Posted - March 27 2005 : 08:22:11 AM
Well, as reported last week [see: Cora's Coming Out ... A REAL Weekly Update!] what started out as a bad encounter ended up as a new web site addition. The Madeleine Stowe interview is in the bag.

I never thought that would happen. She is the one person I never thought would be a part of this web site. I can remember, at Gatherings, folks asking me if this one, or that one, would ever be a subject of an interview. I always adamantly eliminated Madeleine Stowe. Just never thought it would happen. Actually, I'd given up on the interview-idea - with anyone - for quite some time. Unless one just fell in my lap.

One just fell in my lap!

Maybe, it's the new rage in the pick-up line department: Hey, you slut! Gets their attention right quick! Just kidding ...

A little magic still remains ...

Now, don't go expecting a mammoth, 3 hour, in-depth exploaration of every aspect of her life ... ala Wes Studi.

This one is brief and to the point ... my decision. Actually, Madeleine said, "Don't fret about length or detail." I opted for short for several reasons:
  • I'm talked out on the subject
  • I have been sick & had a very low energy level
  • It felt strange doing it without Lainey

But, Madeleine made it very easy - as I said, she is very easy to talk to. She is nothing like you might envision a big Hollywood star to be like ... once you get her talking, she's like conversing with a pal. Very likeable lady!

Anyway, the poor lass is having a heck of a time with a photo ... so, I'm waiting, for the time being, on that before I upload the interview. Will keep you posted!

Happy Easter!
14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Gadget Girl Posted - April 05 2005 : 12:11:30 AM
What a lovely and delightful piece here Rich! You did a great job "covering the bases" and all the questions that have surfaced over the years! Reading this was like experiencing a "EUREKA" when finding the precise location for an illusive puzzle piece. It was so nice to hear Madeleine's fondness of our beloved NC scenery! Thanks so much for taking the time for us Ms. Stowe!!

The magic quilt continues to...

caitlin Posted - April 02 2005 : 9:50:18 PM
Wow, what a great interview! Absolutely fantastic Rich, especially when you haven't been feeling so well... thank you!

And to Ms. Stowe, thank you so very much in taking the time to answer our questions! We wish you the best in your future endeavors and hope you will visit again soon!

Stephanie Posted - April 02 2005 : 9:48:15 PM
Way to go Sachem! And thank you Madeline. Please consider joining us to revisit the film sites. I'm sure it will be much less stressful and you will certainly enjoy the scenery more since it won't be "work." Please consider that.
Sachem, you've done a great job with this whole thing, once again. Now, about going for a DDL interview. Shall I post something derogatory about him and invoke his ire? .... heheheh just kidding!!!!
Thanks again,
Theresa Posted - April 02 2005 : 8:29:13 PM
Beautifully done, Rich. What a delightful woman she is. Madeleine, if you're reading this and decide to revisit "Mohicanland", please let us know...perhaps we could arrange an Official Unofficial Gathering. Thank you for your time and sharing yourself with us. Rich, what a Sachem you are! Woohoo!
Kaylynn44 Posted - April 02 2005 : 4:46:10 PM
Great job with the interview!!! I really enjoyed reading it!!!
Hmmmmm, could an interview with DD-L be far off??? Hey, you never know, that interview could fall into your lap too.

Seamus Posted - April 02 2005 : 4:04:11 PM
Well done, Sachem! And........Miss Stowe...Madeline, if I may.....if you are reading this.......THANKS so much!! It is very much appreciated when someone of your stature takes the time to visit with us.
Donna Posted - April 02 2005 : 1:27:22 PM
Hi Rich,
I just finished reading the interview with Madeline Stowe.
I really enjoyed it. Especially when she talked about doing "The Kiss".
And, she answered some of those mystery questions. Now we know!
It was fun reading about the racing and other tidbits.
And it was nice to know her feelings on the whole project, and her
insights on Michael Mann.
I've never seen Madeline on a talk show so this is the first time I
had the chance to learn about her. I hope she stays in touch.

Great job Rich!

Thanks for doing it.
Sincerely, Donna
richfed Posted - April 02 2005 : 12:26:13 PM
OK, boys & girls, it is up. Madeleine Stowe Interview I hope that you enjoy this mini-interview!

Maddy says, yes, Rich, it's just fine. Nothing to add or change. You did ask, toward the end a question about the uncas/alice relationship which went unanswered. And I really don't know too much about it, unfortunately. Am traveling soon but WILL have a new photo for you! Thank you. It's been a really fun experience talking to you and remembering things I'd let go of.

So, soon we'll be adding a brand new photo ...
Yogi Posted - April 01 2005 : 01:28:49 AM
Great news Rich! I'm looking forward to seeing this. And hope you're feeling better soon.

Theresa Posted - March 28 2005 : 8:58:55 PM
Great job, Rich...and thank you Madeleine. I'll look forward to the end result. Take care of yourself, Pal.
AliceH Posted - March 27 2005 : 7:42:05 PM
Dear Rich,
Thank you for the update, and thank you for everything you do with this site! Good things do come for those who wait, don't they? Who would have thunk it?!? Glad to hear everything went so well. Thanks for collecting all of our questions and gathering the much-awaited information for us. I hope she was able to shed some light on some of our questions from long ago. Anyway, Happy Easter to you and yours. Hope you get your strength back soon.

Take care!

Donna Posted - March 27 2005 : 5:06:15 PM
Oh Geez, We know what she looks like! I can't wait to read her
interview. The suspense is killing me! Just kidding... I can wait.
I can't believe you did it while your ill. Such a trooper..

It's nice to know she's down to earth and friendly.

I hope she answered all your questions. You sure must have had fun.
Tell me, did you think of something else you wanted to ask her after
you hung up? Or, did you cover everything?

Looking forward to seeing it!
Happy Easter to everyone!
caitlin Posted - March 27 2005 : 3:09:29 PM
Cool Beans, Rich!
Looking forward to the interview!
Hope you get to feeling better!
Kaylynn44 Posted - March 27 2005 : 08:37:42 AM
Great job in getting this interview, even if it did resort to name calling. I can't wait to read the interview!!! I'm sure that it is going to be as interesting as all of the others.


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