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 'Stimulating' Unemployment Numbers

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
SgtMunro Posted - June 09 2009 : 11:35:21 AM
Okay folks, we are 100-Days 'Post-Stimulus' and the unemployment numbers are not what 'Team Obama' claimed they were going to be (as a matter of fact, they are not even close). Let's take a closer look at a very important quote from the 'Team Obama' report titled, The Job Impact of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan, which was written/compliled by Christina Romer and Jared Bernstein.

Quote: "The U.S. economy has already lost nearly 2.6 million jobs since the business cycle peak in December 2007. In the absence of stimulus, the economy could lose another 3 to 4 million more. Thus, we are working to counter a potential total job loss of at least 5 million." Source: Page 5 of report, with the chart as Figure 1

Sarge's Notes: According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the total job loss from February to May alone, was aprroximately 1.5 million. This makes for an unemployment rate of 9.4%, which is consideribly more than the projected 7.8% 'peak' predicted by 'Team Obama' which was predicted for the third-quarter of 2009 (and it's only June!) Source: BLS news release titled, The Employment Situation: May 2009, dated 05 June 2009

Sarge's Assesment: A 9.4% unemployment rate, hmmmm? Where are all of those 'Shovel-Ready Projects'? And why is a large portion of the spending not due for release until mid-2010? Perhaps because that is when the mid-term election campaigns are underway, and the Democrats have to worry about maintaining their stranglehold on the congress through the DNC's time-tested tactics of diversion, payola and pork.

The Sarge

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
SgtMunro Posted - October 02 2009 : 4:49:04 PM
** A 'Stimulating' Update**

The unemployment rate rose to 9.8 percent in September, the highest since June 1983, but that 'Stimulus' package is working really well, huh? All I have to say (since I am tired needing to repeat, "See, I told you so") to those who voted a 'straight' Democratic Party ticket, and have since lost their jobs and/or suffered another economic setback, is the following question...

"How is that 'Hope & Change' thing working out for you?"

Now I know that both the hacks in the administration, and their 'Party Faithful' in the electorate will chirp, "But the job losses are less than they could have been." Let me tell you that is a specious argument at best, and most likely nothing more than yet another lie/unfounded 'truth' of this administration. Especially since such 'predictions' can not be proven, one way or another. But I also know that such things as facts and logic do not belong in the belief system of the average Cultural Marxist.

Remember folks, that wasteful government spending is not the solution to what ails this economy. Especially when such spending includes a $30 billion 'earmark' (even though 'The One' said such things were not in the Stimulus Law) for housing loans to the same irresponible nit-wits who helped to tank the economy to begin with, via the unchecked behavior of 'Freddie Mac' and 'Fannie Mae' (and where Bush Administration investigations were blocked by Democrats like Barney Frank and Christopher Dodd)

...But don't blame me, I voted for McCain (and more importantly, Sarah Palin)

The Sarge
Monadnock Guide Posted - June 10 2009 : 6:01:54 PM
Let you in on a little secret Sarge. Remember the "tech bubble" created under Clinton in the 90's, that burst in 2000? The market tanked, and was down for "about" three years. Then the real estate bubble, built under both Clinton (turn no one down for a mortgage)and frankly Bush also, which is FAR more important than the techs ever were, - came totally unraveled. Which is where we are today. ... We(BO)have already started the next "bubble" - the "debt bubble". It may/will take quite awhile, but when this bubble bursts - it's gonna be a financial Hiroshima. We've issued so much debt to foreign countries, that "down the road" we'll NEVER be able to pay the interest, not a chance. The result - they're gonna savage the dollar - and then the show's over.
SgtMunro Posted - June 10 2009 : 4:52:51 PM
What is propbably even more disturbing than the bill itself, was the fact that none of the lawmakers who voted for it could have had the time to read through it. The Republicans who protested such tactics, as pushing through a bill without proper time to review it, were castigated in the 'mainstream' media as "obstructionists", who turned away from Obama's allegeded bi-partisan 'reach-out' (hmmm, more like a 'reach-around')

Just remember that none of the Republicans in the House voted for this, and only three (3) Left-Wing RINO Republicans in the Senate supported this Marxist mess. (Including Pennsylvania's own Senator Specter, who later, and more appropriately became a Democrat, once again!)

The Sarge
Monadnock Guide Posted - June 09 2009 : 12:13:39 PM
That "rush/we can't wait" approach that BO constantly harps on, - is strictly because of the mid-term elections. It's fairly/quite common for the party in power to lose congressional seats, the lefties can't afford to lose very many, - and BO knows it. Truth is, there's no REAL rush, except after the mid-terms BO may well have a different congress to face, - hopefully.

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