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Sjt. Malcolm MacWilliam

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
September 11 2002

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Posted - July 22 2004 :  08:30:26 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
So, cousin Flags comes to me yesterday and asks if I've been wonderin' how things are goin' with the folks in Mohicanland. Now Flags leads this charming life in the Allemaengel, goes off and treks at times, comes back to his "liebe Magdalena" and the three bairns, sits and smokes a bit, has an ale, does a wee bit of farmin' and lots of hunting, then goes off again....what a life!! Me, on the other hand, I've been militaryin' (is that a word) all over God's creation....trying to keep the King's business straight and running the army (you know, it's us sarjents that REALLY run this fighting business!!). I've had me lads at Crown Point, at Fort Ontario, at Williamsburg, at a place called Point of Forks in the colony of Virginia where the Rapidan and James River flow together, and also at Petersburg, Virginia, all within the space of 3 months!! Our shoes are quite worn down. And now, Many Flags comes and says....hey, let's tell some stories to these good folks. WELLLLLLLLL, I can tell stories best when me throat is wet from some good scotch or port or dark ale!! So, wet me whistle (or me storytellin' tongue!!) and I'll see what might transpire.......
God Save the King! Pax Aye!
1st Sjt. Malcolm Angus MacWilliam, 77th Reg't of Foote, GrenCoy
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Gadget Girl
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Posted - July 22 2004 :  08:58:21 AM  Show Profile  Send Gadget Girl an AOL message  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
*GG feeling very warm and fuzzy upon hearing these words!* Not sure how to get any "whistle wetter" to ye, but I could recommend some good storytelling music for ye! Of course I would do.....mmmmmm...just about.....JUST ABOUT...ANYTHING for more chronicles!!!

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Sjt. Malcolm MacWilliam

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September 11 2002

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Posted - July 22 2004 :  09:24:54 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
GG...'aye and 'tis a long time that I've been gone with the stinkin', sweaty men with naye company but me lads and meself and I'm not the best company for meself sometimes....broodin', lamentin' Scots sarjent that I am!! Let me see what I can dig up from the recesses of me memory after I talk to good cousin Many Flags....WHO BY THE WAY.....has just disappeared into the woods with his liebe Magdalena, they be gigglin' and laughin' and.........FLAGGGGSSSS!!

Pax Aye!! Malcolm
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Many Flags
Colonial Settler


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Posted - July 22 2004 :  09:51:06 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Oh, Ja....Flags here, Malcolm!!! Sorry, but Magdalena and I had to, uhh, pick some berries, or was it flowers??.....uhh, right, anyway...heee, heee...I sort of feel like Uncle Quasi all of a sudden!! Uhh, Malcolm...let's talk about this....I wouldn't mind going back to the year 1758 and remembering some of our adventures along Forbes road on the way to the camp at the Loyalhanna. Those were some good times with Uncle Angus and Uncle Quasi.....with me and Three Tales and Seamus scouting for the 77th....watching for the woods for Savages esp. that b$#*&@d Red Leaf, may his soul rot in hell!! But, I am being taken back so quickly that I believe we must now sit and talk and compose this memory of 1758.......
Pax Aye!
Many Flags
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Ariel's Cabin Caretaker, Retired

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Posted - July 22 2004 :  4:24:16 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Oh, that's just BRILLIANT!!

Like GG., I can't see a way to get any of that amber liquid over there t' wet yer whistle, Sarjeant MacWilliam, but... I'M A REAAAALLLL GOOD LISTENER!!!!!!

Can't wait! CAN'T WAIT! CAAAAN'T WAIIITTT!! *hoppin' around and gettin' the popcorn ready*...


"Cuimhnich air na daoine o'n d'thainig thu." (Remember the people from whom you came.)

~ Celtic Wisdom
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Many Flags
Colonial Settler


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Posted - July 22 2004 :  5:58:26 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Well, GG and Kate....twas a quick one, but that's better than nothing!! Cousin Malc and I put our heads together and remembered that night when we all got back together and had "party time!!!" , and well, that's where Uncle Angus's story came from in A Night of Merriment, but there was much more that happened than just some drinkin', singin' and jokin'.....I remember that.....Ohhh, right, Malcolm....wait until the next installment and write it up correctly.....right!! So gut, spater, meine liebe Freundine!!

Pax Aye!!

Many Flags of the Allemaengel.... ("Magdalena....time to go berry picking again!!!!........")
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King 1

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Posted - July 23 2004 :  05:45:40 AM  Show Profile  Visit richfed's Homepage  Click to see richfed's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Bring 'em on ...
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Ariel's Cabin Caretaker, Retired

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Posted - July 23 2004 :  11:24:18 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
It's a START, M.F.! And I've got it printed out and in that Binder...

But I went back and reviewed Vol II - Aug/September and I had a question...

'Camp at Quemahony... 3 Days to Loyalhanna' (Post by Cpl. Malcolm MacWilliam on August 30)

"We have stayed with Col. Burd and Major Grant as a rear guard to protect the movement of canon, coehorns, supplies since the road was not cut wide enough."

What is a 'coehorn'? Just so I'll know next time...

Seriously, I've found the Chronicles such a good read - so much information about the time period, such detailed stories I can almost feel I'm there watching the action... I've laughed, I've cried with you guys - I shouted YAY when 'Red Leaf' met his end (???). I'm REALLY looking forward to the start of the Chronicles again! ... *happy sigh*... It's been TOOOOO long...

THANKS, Malcolm AND to you, Mark!


"Cuimhnich air na daoine o'n d'thainig thu." (Remember the people from whom you came.)

~ Celtic Wisdom
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Many Flags
Colonial Settler


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Posted - July 23 2004 :  11:45:37 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Hi Kate.....Malcolm is busy so he told me to answer this.....A cohorn is what we call a mortar today...they actually have some recreated ones at Ft. Ligonier.....a wonderful place....sure wish Seamus, Davey and I could get you to Pennsylvania sometime to show you the REAL places of the 7 Years War.....take care and things may begin happening soon......Many Flags...Pax Aye
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Guardian of Heaven's Gate

Skull 2

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Posted - July 23 2004 :  11:50:16 AM  Show Profile  Visit Seamus's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Thanks, Flags! I was just getting ready to answer her........

Yessssssssssss........Kate!!!!!! You just have to come to Pennsylvania to see the real F&I War places! We will give you a real tour.....

Life's journey is not to
arrive at the grave safely
in a well preserved body,
but rather to skid in sideways,
totally worn out, shouting
'...holy sh*t ...what a ride!'

~~Mavis Leyrer, Seattle


~~Aim small, hit the b*****d right between the eyes!~~
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Ariel's Cabin Caretaker, Retired

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Posted - July 24 2004 :  08:19:18 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
OHHHH, I WISH!!!!!!!! Maybe... one day... I know I'd LOVE to see historic Pennsylvania!

Meanwhile, I'm happy to 'see' it through yer stories, once again...

to ye both!


"Cuimhnich air na daoine o'n d'thainig thu." (Remember the people from whom you came.)

~ Celtic Wisdom
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Many Flags
Colonial Settler


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August 13 2002

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Posted - July 24 2004 :  1:31:43 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Aye, Kate......and I WILL be to Scotland one of these years.....Malcolm says he'll be the tour guide, but it's been so many years since he's been back (247 to be exact), that I believe he might get lost!!.....I almost had a trip in the works for this past Feb...but it fell through......So, maybe next year?? What is the best month to visit, for prices and weather......??

Pax Aye.....Many Flags
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Soldier of the King


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September 23 2002

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Posted - July 27 2004 :  03:03:17 AM  Show Profile  Visit SgtMunro's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Many Flags asks:What is the best month to visit, for prices and weather......??

Greetings Herr Flags,

I can't help you out on the price of travel, but I might be able to give you some insight on the local weather. During the three years that I was stationed in the United Kingdom, I noticed that Summer consisted of the last two weeks of May and the first week of June. By the time late July rolled around, we were back to wearing our field jackets again.

Your Most Humble Servant,

Serjeant-Major Duncan Munro
Capt. Thos. Graham's Coy.
42nd Royal Highland Regiment of Foote
(The Black Sheep of the Black Watch)

"Nemo Me Impune Lacessit"
"Recruit locally, fight globally."
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Ariel's Cabin Caretaker, Retired

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Posted - July 29 2004 :  2:48:58 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Yes… I can’t deny we can have summers like that. Now in my 30 YEARS experience of living here, I’d say that, on the whole, Scotland is like any other country – has its good and bad years. This year it’s much like NORTH CAROLINA was during the Gathering – warm, but with some rain. We haven’t had a wet summer in a few years – this year we’re making up for it. In saying that, it’s just started to rain, the first rain for a couple of weeks. BUT – IT’S STILL WARM OUTSIDE. And it was still warm outside last night at 10:00pm when we were out back. The temperatures vary, depending on where about in Britain you live.

I live on the East Coast in a fishing town, so there is often a cool breeze blowing off the North Sea. Inland, it can be hot as hell. BUT – we have many days where its as hot as it is in Upstate New York. And it’s just like America – it depends on where you live and how ‘high’ up the map you are! For example, the weather in New York is seldom the same as in Arizona.

Yep, in a bad year, May and June CAN be the best months. However, July and August are generally pretty good. Heck, it’s often lovely weather right into September, October. It… all depends on the weather!!

BUT I CAN ASSURE YOU, MARK… Britain ISN’T the cold, dark, and rainy country that you may have been lead to believe. (AND like the advice for going to the Gathering this year!, I MIGHT JUST ADVISE you bring a poncho with you, JUST IN CASE, if you were to come this year!).

As far as prices go… I’m not sure, from your side. What I CAN tell you is – the dollar is weak against the Pound just now. The exchange rate today is US $1.81 to the Pound, which was good for ME when I exchanged my holiday Pounds for the Gathering. However, not so good for you guys that want to come here for a holiday.

I have a friend who lives in Brantford, Ontario, (down near Niagara Falls) coming to visit in two weeks. She and her husband have been over to Scotland twice already – and reckon Scotland is one of the most beautiful places on earth… Well, I’ve lived, worked and holidayed in MANY, MANY places around the world. *I* reckon that it can hold it’s own in the list of ‘places that everyone should visit’…

PS. I’ve just seen the weather forecast for tomorrow – 27 deg. C. in the South (that’s 85 F. for you non-metric folks) and a little cooler up here in on the NE Coast. We’re only getting 23 C. or 77 F. (and almost into August, folks! ) but that’s quite comfortable – I can live with that.


"Cuimhnich air na daoine o'n d'thainig thu." (Remember the people from whom you came.)

~ Celtic Wisdom
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