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joseph wiggs Posted - July 21 2007 : 6:19:22 PM
The AAO has enjoyed the contributions of many interesting participants dedicated to an open forum wherein many topics may be and have been discussed openly, and freely.

Sadly, participation has been greatly reduced these last few months. I have been fortunate to have met many friends here and I certainly wish to continue to do so. I have noticed that a few guests/members are reading the infrequent posts but, unfortunately, are not commenting.

I imagine that some of the harsh exchanges (regrettably I was a participant also) have turned potential members off. I understand. Hopefully those days are gone and shall not return.

Thanks Rich for the outstanding job you have done and for your accomplishments.
11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
joseph wiggs Posted - October 22 2007 : 8:41:40 PM

My profound thanks to the old and new members who have graciously participated in this forum the last few weeks. Fantastic job!
joseph wiggs Posted - October 22 2007 : 8:33:39 PM
The pen is truly "mightier" than the sword. Throughout history men and women have composed magnificent works of oratory skills that have launched a thousand ships of war, assisted in the birth of democracy in ancient Greece city states, and created the Gettysburg address on the back of an envelope.

Then their are those who, absent of anything better to do, may only inflate their enormous ego's by resorting to the oldest smoke screen known to modern man; resorting to character assignations rather than debate issues.

Protected by the great vastness of cypher space a small and insignificant mouse can roar like a lion.

Dark Cloud Posted - October 19 2007 : 10:21:11 PM
The problem, Wiggs, is that you resent being called on your fabrications. Misusing quotes. Making stuff up. And then lying about it, denying what's in near-English in your posts. You invent new personas and User ID's but you can't erase what remains up on the boards in your name. Still, by the way. And never, ever, do you admit it.

The ones most upset and who leave in melodramatic huffs are the ones who got embarrassed. It's a forum. Supposed soldier types wouldn't care.

joseph wiggs Posted - October 14 2007 : 6:20:26 PM
Great thread. It has taken me a while to realize that a minuscule portion of these boards receive immense satisfaction in going for the jugular by resorting to personal innuendo. An important purpose of the thread, I believe, is the sharing of information. The validity or non-validity of the information is more often a matter of perspective rather than anything else.
kennethmd Posted - September 18 2007 : 10:51:10 PM
Sgtmajor. Don't worry if people disagree or misunderstood you. Just post all you know about the Battle. Even if everyone else say that isn't so.Or write something down that isn't what you posted and seem like they miss read your post.

Beside Most forum sites have the same problem.
Sgtmajor109th Posted - September 15 2007 : 11:40:24 AM
I have pulled out a couple of times as there are those, who give you
the opinion that you do not know what you are talking about. Or the
favorite is I don't understand the answer or question. No matter what
I say or what anybody says, we will never change the out come of the
battle itself. But, you will always have those that think they know more then you do, and you don't want give an opinion because you know
they are going to tear you apart. Just keep one thing in mind, we are
looking for answers,and you don't know anymore about it then the next
guy. All we can do is analyze what took place,and maybe we could come
up with an answer that is suitable to everyone. Lets us respect every
ones opinion.
movingrobewoman Posted - September 08 2007 : 1:59:39 PM

One of the reasons I've gone over to the "other" side is because I'm more comfortable with their approach to those "Tupperware" questions. I like the gossipy stuff, and this place is more to talk tactics. I learn an awful lot from everyone's information, but I don't contribute because I don't know squat!

joseph wiggs Posted - August 16 2007 : 8:46:25 PM
Friends, the operable word here is "respect." There is so much to learn and accomplish on this site as long as we agree to respect the other's perspective. I am a member of other sites, however, my heart is here. So many wonderful people have contributed valuable and welcomed information.

I believe will attract new "folks" who will feel comfortable with participating in an open, candid, and explosive forum of sharing thoughts and feelings.

In fact, the beginning has already begun because of you, Franboddn, and other good "folk" whom I admire and appreciate.
Brent Posted - August 16 2007 : 1:34:58 PM
Sounds good to me. Everybody has an opinion and is entitled to it. And to have it respected, even if you think it's wrong. Personal attacks are neiter necessary nor desired. Let's hope all that is over with and we can move on and attract some new folks.
joseph wiggs Posted - August 09 2007 : 9:18:27 PM
My valuable friend, you will help to revive interest in this wonderful web site by your greatly appreciated participation. I am so encouraged by persons like you,Brent,Polar, and the Captain who continue to exchange information and ideas on this site.

More importantly, we will collectively resist the few(one?) who would infest this forum`with their/his refusal to respect the thoughts of others.

Let us all agree to disagree like gentleman without resorting to personal attacks. And for those who would insist upon doing so, we will collectively ignore the culprit(s).
frankboddn Posted - August 09 2007 : 01:19:25 AM
Joseph, it's a shame that a couple of people basically ruined this forum. With so many subjects, I'd expect more postings, too. At least one of the main offenders has moved on to another board, where he's infested it with his usual arrogance.
This is a good forum with many different subjects. Y'all keep up the good work.

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