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T O P I C    R E V I E W
richfed Posted - November 27 2003 : 05:14:13 AM
Recently, several people have E-mailed me concerning problems with their password & logging on to the Board. I don't think all of these problems were of the same nature for one or two were resolved ... another one or two are still in limbo.

If you experience problems:

First thing, if you are using a late version of Internet Explorer, try this first: Click on Tools ----> Internet Options ----> Delete Cookies. Then, close all your browser windows & reopen. That often times fixes what is caused by a "burnt" cookie in your browser. Netscape & Opera will have a slightly different path, but the procedure would be basically the same.

If that doesn't work, or if it's a matter of a forgotten password, try resetting your password. All the stored passwords are encrypted. No one - not even me - can see what they are. So, I cannot retrieve it for you. It must be reset! Near the log-in screen, is a link that says "Forgot your password?" Click on that & follow the instructions! If you have trouble, let me know, I can reset it for you to something simple and then you can log in & change it to the password of your choice via your Profile.

Be sure, too, that you are using the correct User Name when logging in! Case matters - so do spaces, or lack of. The E-mails I generate to the whole group have your User Name at the footer, if you've forgotten that!

If you are receiving an error message, please copy & paste the exact error in the E-mail you send. Also, tell me exactly what you were trying to do. Then, I can try to assist. Alternately, you can post the error right here in this New Deal forum, as you need not be logged in to do so - same applies to The Last of the Mohicans forum [though you wouldn't post error messages there!!!].

Hope that helps - most folks have no problems; it's just a few, so I'm not quite sure what the cause is.
12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Theresa Posted - March 22 2004 : 7:45:50 PM
hmmm...don't know

I'll try and let you know.
richfed Posted - March 22 2004 : 7:01:38 PM
Originally posted by Theresa

hmmm...I log out each time...come back and enter my user name but my passwork doesn't appear so I have to enter it too.

What happens if you DON'T log out, and come back in, say, a few hours or more?
Mylene Posted - March 22 2004 : 5:05:04 PM
Ithiliana Posted - March 22 2004 : 3:32:23 PM
rich, you're the awesomest thing since sliced bread
many thanks!
Theresa Posted - March 22 2004 : 1:41:48 PM
hmmm...I log out each time...come back and enter my user name but my passwork doesn't appear so I have to enter it too.
richfed Posted - March 22 2004 : 1:36:31 PM
Ah ... I see ... No, if you log out, once you put your user name in, the password should appear automatically. If you don't log out, everything should be there on your next visit. That's how it's always worked on my systems. On any Snitz site.
Theresa Posted - March 22 2004 : 1:32:35 PM
Thanks, Rich.

I make a point to clean my cookies at least monthly...almost sounds obscene, YIKES!

Anyway, even though I have the save password checked, I always have to type it in. Is that the way it's supposed to be? It's no problem at all to do it, mind you, just wondering if it's working properly.
richfed Posted - March 22 2004 : 1:20:59 PM
Hey Theresa -

Actually, the cookies are stored on your own computer, not on the site. Try clearing your cookies & web cache. Close your browser. Reopen. And try it again. Usually, that does the trick.

As for Ithi & Mylene, I'll change the E-mail addresses in your Profiles soon. Then you can reset the passwords yourselves.
Theresa Posted - March 22 2004 : 07:49:48 AM
Rich, I'm not having password problems but I've wondered why I have to log on everytime when I've told the board to remember me. Just wondering.
Lurking Huron8990 Posted - March 21 2004 : 10:20:01 PM
vix still works...
prolly cuz she didnt change her email, and me and myl did...
she makes fun of me now, cuz i remember her PW but dont remember my own...
Lurking Huron8990 Posted - March 21 2004 : 10:17:24 PM
yea... mylene needs hers too...
its been two years, but we miss this place...
its addictive

so if its not too much trouble...
mylene's email is
ps. myl needs her PW blanked cuz she forgot her old one...
Lurking Huron8990 Posted - March 21 2004 : 8:18:33 PM
hey rich!
i think i emailed you, but ill post it here just in case...
i was just wondering if you could reset my password, because i cant log on, and my email is not the same one i had 2 years ago...
i cant really give you any verification that its me, but on the other hand, who would want to impersonate me anyway?
if you could reset my PW, that would be awesome... my email is
thanks a lot!

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