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RedFraggle Posted - June 15 2007 : 8:35:02 PM
I realize that this topic is not relevant to Last of the Mohicans, James Fenimore Cooper, eighteenth century history, or anything else on this site, but it's something that I'm always interested in, so here goes.

A while back there was a thread about pets that people have lost over the years. I enjoyed reading the stories in that forum, but I always felt sad afterward. So . . . how a thread about current pets?

Let me start out by saying that I'm a complete and total animal lover. I grew up in a family that was "animal poor," as my Mom always said---meaning that we had so many animals to feed we could barely afford to feed ourselves. Now my dog is basically my child. I'll take almost any opportunity to brag about her. I'm also a rescue worker. Animals are a very big part of my life.

That said, I'd like to know how animals have affected the lives of my fellow Mohicanlanders. If you've got a pet you'd like to show off or brag about, here's your chance. It's also a good way to get to know your friends in Mohicanland a little better, I think.

I'll start it off. . . .
25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Batawana Posted - June 25 2007 : 10:02:18 PM
Thanks for the advice...but it is purely by accident they are getting food..we have outdoor cats and when there are leftovers...well the squirrels and rabbits and fox all semm to know when to get a treat every so often...our property is a wooded area and we live on a lake so any given day we have deer and all the other visitors too..but you are right ...feeding the wild can be a problem...but I will be careful.
Monadnock Guide Posted - June 25 2007 : 5:45:01 PM
If you don't mind a little advice Bat, - NOT a good idea to feed wild animals, seriously. Raccoons can and are nasty sob's when they want to be. Usually, feeding wild animals does more for the feeder, - than those fed. ;)
Batawana Posted - June 25 2007 : 5:03:40 PM

I don't pet him or anything like that ....just watch through the door...I am just taken with how cute they are when they use their little paws to eat....
Obediah Posted - June 25 2007 : 12:59:49 AM
...and they really stink, too!
Fitzhugh Williams Posted - June 24 2007 : 11:01:18 PM
Something to think about. Raccoons are cute, but they are wild animals. They can be really vicious when mad, and they are known carry rabies. You might should listen to the hubby.
Batawana Posted - June 24 2007 : 9:55:06 PM

How about our wild raccoon that visits us on our patio every night to eat the kitty food the outdoor cats eat!!

Here he is....isn't he hubby is about ready to disown me for feeding all these critters

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blackfootblood Posted - June 20 2007 : 7:23:34 PM
Originally posted by Fitzhugh Williams

Azrael? Careful, we have a smurf on this site!

Proud to say my house is Smurf free, thanks to Azrael!! (HeHe!)
Irishgirl Posted - June 20 2007 : 3:59:42 PM
You sure have her well trained Obi. Guess you don't need the chimp afterall.
Obediah Posted - June 20 2007 : 3:15:31 PM
Originally posted by Irishgirl

..... Now I could picture you with a pet chimp bringing you the newspaper and a bottle of beer. ...
My wife does that! Hmmmmm...
RedFraggle Posted - June 20 2007 : 12:38:32 PM
Originally posted by blackfootblood

Here is a picture of my babies! On the left is Azrael, the fat one. Then on the right is Gypsy.

Weird! My mom used to have a cat named Gypsy who looked exactly like your Gypsy. Things that make you go .

Originally posted by irishgirl

LOL Caitlin Skunks, now that is definitely different. Weren't you worried that they might "spew" and "stink" up the place?.

Isn't there a way to make skunks non-stinky? I thought you could remove their stink glands or something. Maybe . . . ? Or I could be making that up.
caitlin Posted - June 20 2007 : 12:38:00 PM
Originally posted by Irishgirl

LOL Caitlin Skunks, now that is definitely different. Weren't you worried that they might "spew" and "stink" up the place?.

Definitely the "weirdest" pet so far.

Actually, they were de-scented though you still could smell the musk on them. It was cute though because if they got angry they would still try to "spray" you. They stamp their feet and look back at you with their backside aimed right at you!

blackfootblood Posted - June 20 2007 : 10:11:33 AM
How cute, Caitlin!!! They seem like they would be good pets. Hopefully you never got sprayed!!!
Irishgirl Posted - June 20 2007 : 09:51:41 AM
LOL Caitlin Skunks, now that is definitely different. Weren't you worried that they might "spew" and "stink" up the place?.

Definitely the "weirdest" pet so far.
caitlin Posted - June 20 2007 : 01:09:33 AM
Originally posted by Irishgirl

C'mon folks. No one on the board have an exotic, out of the ordinary pet like say a big boa constrictor or a pet chimpanzee? Not even you Obi?.

I do!... Er, at least I did many moons ago. I owned a couple of pet skunks. A black & white named "Degas" and a brown and white named "Portia".
Degas ended up with my ex-boyfriend and Portia escaped and was probably eaten.. poor thing. Anyway, they were great pets. Used the litter box like a cat and everything.

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Fitzhugh Williams Posted - June 19 2007 : 11:30:10 PM
Azrael? Careful, we have a smurf on this site!
blackfootblood Posted - June 19 2007 : 9:02:18 PM
Here is a picture of my babies! On the left is Azrael, the fat one. Then on the right is Gypsy.

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Irishgirl Posted - June 19 2007 : 7:49:40 PM
C'mon folks. No one on the board have an exotic, out of the ordinary pet like say a big boa constrictor or a pet chimpanzee? Not even you Obi?. You disappoint. Now I could picture you with a pet chimp bringing you the newspaper and a bottle of beer. I need one of those myself. Teach it to clean the house and do the laundry and take care of the kids. It wouldn't be my pet but my "slave". Wonder where I could get one for sale.
Theresa Posted - June 19 2007 : 5:04:58 PM
Originally posted by Obediah

I know exactly what Scout is saying in that picture:

"Mom! You got food? ... for ME?"

Almost, Obediah. Actually, I made the pic and DAD was holding the treat.
Obediah Posted - June 19 2007 : 3:16:30 PM
I know exactly what Scout is saying in that picture:

"Mom! You got food? ... for ME?"
Theresa Posted - June 19 2007 : 3:13:36 PM
OK...thanks! Here's my Scout. He's a 4 1/2 year-old Golden Retriever. We also have a little black dog, Kacie, who is about 9 years old. She's a pound dog that our daughter adopted when she was in college and brought her to her apartment that didn't allow pets and so we inherited her. She's a sweetie and I don't have a current picture of her. We believe she's a lab/pit mix...and we have two outdoor cats who are instrumental in keeping all the little unwanted critters away.

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Batawana Posted - June 19 2007 : 12:30:21 PM
Theresa I had the same trouble at first and still could only get one picture on...I believe you have to make you download smaller

Carol B
Theresa Posted - June 19 2007 : 09:54:31 AM
Hmmm...I would like to post a pic of my Golden Retriever but when I try to upload the image I get a blank screen. Help!!
Batawana Posted - June 18 2007 : 6:51:04 PM

WOW...much praise to you for all the rescue work...we need more kind souls like you!!!!!

Carol B
Obediah Posted - June 18 2007 : 6:48:25 PM
Good on ya' Lady Ann! Tho I expect my cats would disagree...
Lady Ann Posted - June 18 2007 : 3:52:24 PM
Now that my human children are up and gone, I've been helping run a pug rescue organization in the Orlando area, Central Florida Pug Rescue, Inc. Besides doing all their legal work, I'm also a pug foster mom. I've fostered 13 pugs in the past year...and currently am fostering 4 pugs (Lydia, Bart, Ember and Tyler), in addition to my permanent pets, Julia (5 year old pug), Warrick (10 year old pug), Rohan (7 year old Ibizan hound), Jana (6 year old Basenji/Lab mix). and Two Socks (20 year old cat). CFPR rescued 60 pugs last year and was able to place 48 of them in permanent loving homes, after spaying/neutering them and taking care of all their medical problems. It is hard to believe that pugs would be thrown away, abused and neglected in the numbers that they are, but we take in an average of three a week these days...and this is just purebred pugs! Imagine the other animals out there who need rescuing....check us out at And if you would ever like to open your home to a deserving pug, just let me know!

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