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 Cooper's Corner
 Favorite Leatherstocking Tale, excluding LOTM

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
susquesus Posted - December 10 2003 : 2:18:56 PM
Assuming that everyone here loves LOTM, of the remaining Leatherstocking Tales, which is your favorite? Young Natty on his first warpath(1745) in "Deerslayer", Natty in his prime in the Seven Years War on the Great Lakes in The Pathfinder, Old Natty settled on the shores of the Otsego as the wilderness disappears around him post-revolution in "The Pioneers", or elderly Natty as a trapper wandering the prairie in his final days in "The Prairie"?
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Kurt Posted - December 21 2003 : 4:56:26 PM
Originally posted by susquesus

By the way - are we led to believe that Killdeer came from Captain Kidd? Hutter was associated with him mysteriously, there was a trunk filled with grand, gaudy clothing that didn't fit Hutter, anyone got any ideas?

I'm most of the way through The Deerslayer and I get the impression that Hutter was a pirate. The rich husband of Judith the elder and the father of Judith and Hetty is the man who fits the suit. The story of Job is a hint that escapes me as to the the elder Judith's role in the killing of the rich husband by Hutter. Perhaps Hutter was the father of the long dead son. The chest and the fine rifle were loot that came with the woman and the girls it seems to me.
CT•Ranger Posted - December 14 2003 : 5:14:46 PM
I read LOTM first after the movie came out. Then a few years later I bought the rest of the Leatherstocking Tales, and read "The Deerslayer" and then "The Pathfinder". Then I took a break from the Leatherstocking Tales and read "The Spy." "The Spy" was probably my favorite Cooper novel. I never got around to reading the rest of the Leatherstocking Tales. Of the first three my favorite is "The Pathfinder." I just recently started to read "The Pioneers," I'll see if my opinion changes. By the way, it was a lot of fun to go to Cooperstown just after reading the "The Deerslayer," and seeing all the places mentioned in the book.
susquesus Posted - December 11 2003 : 01:15:33 AM
Hmm... I accidentally voted for "The Pioneers". I meant to vote for "The Prairie". I prefer the style and skill Cooper displayed in "Deerslayer", but the story of "The Prairie" just does it for me. The word-pictures that Cooper paints(wow, that sounds hippie-dippie) are beautiful. The views of the prairie, the way he describes the landscape, the Native characters, the dark, desperate mood, the tension, the run in with Duncan's progeny- all of it.
Deerslayer is great as it describes Otsego in it's pristine state. Muskrat Castle, young Judith and Hetty Hutter, Hurry Harry, the origins of Killdeer revealed - a lot of heavy stuff happens there.
By the way - are we led to believe that Killdeer came from Captain Kidd? Hutter was associated with him mysteriously, there was a trunk filled with grand, gaudy clothing that didn't fit Hutter, anyone got any ideas?
Kurt Posted - December 10 2003 : 7:47:21 PM
"The Deerslayer" is the best story so I voted for it but I do love to the descriptions of places in New York and the social commentary in "The Pioneers". Funny how social commentary on the environment and politics hasn't changed that much since Cooper's time.

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