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 The Alamo - 1836
 Crockett Drawing!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Dillon1836 Posted - April 04 2005 : 5:29:26 PM

Hey yall,

Here's my new drawing of David Crockett. He's looking across the Texas plains....wondering what awaits him. It' still a work in progress as I am currently adding a nice Texas sunset.

The scanning job does not do the drawing justice, though. With the actual drawing you can even make out the stitching in his greatcoat and trousers and more of the shadowing that went into Crockett's high cheekbones and other features. Any comments are most welcome.

18   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
UncasLover13 Posted - April 13 2005 : 8:15:44 PM
Thanks for the tips! lol, I'll look into that. I'm sure if I even do what you say, my drawing won't come out even close to that good!
Dillon1836 Posted - April 12 2005 : 10:14:55 PM
Well, I commonly use a 0.5 or 0.7 mechanical lead pencil because of it's sharp, usable edges. Regular pencils are better used for shading, since they have a thicker, wider shape. Then, I usually ink or even shade with a regular BiC pen. One of the cheap, black ink pens you can buy in a pack at Walmart or something. But I rarely use color, because the slightest mistake, for me, can easily destroy a drawing and how I viewed it. So, I usually leave my drawings in black and white, but make sure they show and give the meaning behind it.

UncasLover13 Posted - April 12 2005 : 7:36:08 PM
Alright, sounds good! I'll be interested to see some of your "techniques." lol.

Dillon1836 Posted - April 11 2005 : 9:50:38 PM
Thanks Nora and Monadnock. Again, the comments are most appreciated and it makes me want to push even more with what I do.

Nora, I'll try and post some of my techniques tommorow. Now, I gotta get ready for another day of highschool.

Monadnock Guide Posted - April 11 2005 : 8:39:48 PM
The ability to draw is related to the ability to see things accurately. Anyone can draw a straight line with a ruler etc. - but putting things in "perspective" is another matter. Nice work Dillion.
UncasLover13 Posted - April 11 2005 : 8:25:32 PM
Hmm, maybe I'll try that. You see, drawing is something I've never been able to do well, but have always wanted to do! I can play the guitar well, I'm athletic, but drawing has always been something that I've always wanted to excel in, but never have. Thanks for the advice...I'll work on that.

Dillon1836 Posted - April 10 2005 : 9:43:20 PM
I simply taught myself. I looked at other artworks and aspired from the styles and ways of those artists...turning what I have there sort of into my own. But I've been asked the same question at school, and sometimes the entire class will huddle around my sketch book. I reply that I drew since I was little and kept on practicing to become better.

UncasLover13 Posted - April 10 2005 : 9:15:03 PM
You're welcome! How do you draw so well though? lol. Seriously, I've tried and tried and tried and never have I been able to draw even half that well!

Dillon1836 Posted - April 10 2005 : 8:58:52 PM
Thanks Nora. I really appreciate the comments. I'll try and post some more of my art and the finished piece in the next week or so. Thanks again.

UncasLover13 Posted - April 10 2005 : 8:25:05 PM
That drawing is extremely good! I'm one of those people that can't draw at all, so I'm a little jealous. lol. Honestly though, you're picture is amazing! Keep it up!

Dillon1836 Posted - April 06 2005 : 3:03:30 PM
The Alamo Journal isn't sold in stores. It's put together by Alamo Society and editor William Chemerka. He mails them out by himself and for four issues a year you pay $18.36. 1836 being the year the Alamo was fought. I believe you can find the website at

blueotter Posted - April 05 2005 : 9:03:41 PM
That's fantastic! You are so far ahead of me... when I was your age, I was so brain-dead (no, I wasn't on drugs -- didn't even know what they were) that I had no idea there was anything outside of my own tiny universe. It has taken me decades to realize that there is a whole UNIVERSE. Anyway, it makes me feel nearly as proud as if you were my own. I haven't seen the Alamo magazine. Would it likely be sold at Barnes & Noble? They have a huge selection of periodicals.

Dillon1836 Posted - April 05 2005 : 5:01:50 PM
blue otter,

A drawing of mine of Castulo Guerra as General Castrillon from the recent Alamo film made it into the recent December issue of the Alamo Journal. And the muzzleloader magazine is an idea. I'll check it out. Thanks everyone.

Dillon1836 Posted - April 05 2005 : 4:46:09 PM
Hey Dances,

From my imagination really, except for the face. The face I based off of his portrait, which Crockett noted as being "The closest likeness ever taken of me." I'm wishing I had his eyes open more now, but he's squinting...looking off into the distance. Sort of giving the "far away look" that people usually give. I've begun a background with clouds and the sun behind him and it's coming along very well.

I'll be scanning some more drawings at school and will surely post them when I get the chance. Until then, here is the portrait of Crockett. His clothing, in my drawing, is based off of some of the clothing men were known to have worn at the time. In the portrait, it seems he may be wearing a frock coat.

Dances with Beagles Posted - April 05 2005 : 3:58:44 PM

What did you use as a source for your drawing? Did you do the pose out of your imagination, and use pictures/paintings for the face?

Suggestion...have Crockett wear a sign that says, "Don't Mess with Texas"!!

You are truly a multi-talented person! Keep developing your art and will go far.

I can really appreciate the drawing, since I've been taking a drawing class for the past year. It is challenging and rewarding, but I'll be keeping my day job...!
Dillon1836 Posted - April 05 2005 : 1:59:05 PM
Thanks for the comments everyone. Actually, Rose, I've been asked to illustrate a book on the Alamo.

blueotter Posted - April 04 2005 : 11:47:09 PM
Smart AND talented! I do believe that you have fine, fine drawing skills and hope you are going to pursue a career in art. If not, you can still probably make a decent side income. Keep up the good work. Do you work with paint as well? I have a friend who makes quite bit of money selling his period paintings. Some of his work has been on the cover of Muzzleloader magazine several times. You might look into submitting works there (it's the magazine of the NMLRA (Nat'l Muzzle Loaders Rifle Association), or other such magazines. Just a thought.
Monadnock Guide Posted - April 04 2005 : 7:54:13 PM
While I'm certainly no authority on Crockett's appearance, - I'd say you have some real talent. Keep up the good work, and please post the finished results.

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