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 The List of 2004 Gathering Attendees!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
richfed Posted - March 01 2004 : 4:31:25 PM
Moving the 2004 Gathering Attendee List to its own thread; the better to find it by ... from to here ---

But, first ...

So, today we had our first cancellation. I was bummed, and started feeling Deja Vu all over again, in the immortal words of Yogi Berra.

The roller coaster ride continues. Why shouldn't it? It's been like that from the very beginning.

At the moment, and at the risk of sounding a bit like a manic/depressive, I am on a high of highs. I remember speculating, at the 2002 Gathering, of what it might be like to have the Stanglers and the Sweetsers together at the same Gathering. We're about to find out, and for that, I am very, very, grateful! Yiiii-hiiii!!! Anyway ...

The List

Last Update: 05/26/04

Carter Ard - 1st
Ann Colby - 4th
Kay Dennis, Pat Danielson - canceled, Phyllis Nelson , Cindy Rodgers & K. Stout - 1st
Donna Deslauriers - 6th
Pat Dietch - 2nd
Rich Federici - 6th
April Ferguson - canceled
Mary Garland & Rob Kruys - 3rd -
Stan & Teri Golden - 4th
Mary Graybill - 1st
Ros Haddon - 4th
Marc & Cherie Harbison - 3rd
John Harkins - 5th
Del Hiestand & son - 1st
Jenifer Huey - 3rd
Eric & Sharon Hurley - 6th
Christina Knauss - 2nd
Vincent Kong & Debbie Ho - 4th
Art & Halina Long - 1st -
Stephanie McCulloch - 4th
Nancy Michaelsen - 2nd
Don & Jayne [Langan] Miller - 4th
Dennis, Eileen, Scott & Rachel Morgan - 2nd -
Kate Penman - 4th
Patrick Quinn - 3rd
Cecelia Scott - 4th
Ariel Segal - 2nd
Diana Strickland - 5th
Phil & Karen Stangler - 2nd
Joe & Belinda Starnes - 2nd - canceled
Kathie, Mary, Karen & Jo Sweetser collectively, The Sweetser 4! - 5th
Mark, Kathy, Nathan, & David Whitney - 4th
Diane Williams - 1st
Fitz & Cindy Williams - 2nd
Michael Williams and Andres, An-Mei, Kristen & Thomas Kessler -1st
Theresa & Claude - canceled - Williams - 3rd
Karen Williamson - 4th - canceled - uncanceled!
Dale Wasson - 2nd
Patrick & Tristan Wilson - 1st -
Mark & Sarah Zentner - 4th

Current Total: 66 [though I expect this number to shrink - many not paid as of this date!]

Not included in above total, but confirmed attendance:

  • Tim & Diane Cordell, plus traveling buddy, Randy Roberts, last 3 days only [Cherokee, Dupont/movie, Games]
  • Joanne Shenandoah, Tuesday only [Spirits on the River]
  • Russell & Pearl Means, tail end of the festivities [Movie Theater is fer sure]

25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
soldier2lotm Posted - June 11 2004 : 10:47:45 PM

Hi Donna... Nope.... he never had the therapy... When Eric went there last April for check up... the nurse asked Eric how long he was in therapy... Eric said.. I never had one.. the nurse looked puzzled and asked the doctor.. the doctor said.. he doesnt need it...
Glad he s feeling great... and "back to normal with some limitation"

Thanks to everyone for your prayers, and support

Originally posted by ardensgal

Hi Donna.. Thanks... Nope No stunt fights!! I checked.. Eric have his follow up visit with his doctor to check on his back on the day we are going whitewater rafting... I told him he needs to change his appt. He said.. he will call the doctor.. I need to cancel the appt. because I am going whitewater rafting.. He s CRAZYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. I told him if he breaks his back again, I will leave him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (joking of course!)

richfed Posted - June 11 2004 : 7:03:59 PM
Kate Posted - June 04 2004 : 8:24:44 PM
ERIC!!! JUST GREAT TO HEAR FROM YOU!!! Wow - you sound MARVELLOUS - well and enjoying life again! But - NAUGHTY, NAUGHTY!!! Riding an bike and doing all the things you shouldn't be!! Heck... I'm not supposed to be doing things either, and I'm scraping and sanding chairs and tables, plastering, sanding walls and hanging wallpaper... Doc told me yesterday to STOP. Yeah, RIGHT - and who'll do all these things if *I* don't???? Hehehehehee... I know where you're coming from, sir!!

It'll be great to see you and Sharon again!

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As for the 143, yeah actually I remembered THAT ONE but... *I* was saying 'LOVE YOU GUYS'! Hehehehe... YOU GOTTA KEEP UP, BOY!

Take care, Eric - and you too, Sharon! See you guys soon!

Caitlin, those kids are growing like weeds and get cuter every day!! I could just kidnap that baby of yours, she's a REAL SWEETHEART! BEAUTIFUL picture! It's such a shame that you can't join us!!!! guys are such a PART of Mohicanland and Gatherings... *whine! Whinge!*...

Lots of pics - GOT IT!

caitlin Posted - June 04 2004 : 6:26:57 PM
To our friends,
We wish that we were able to join you all this year, but alas, it just isn't in the cards. It would have been wonderful see everyone: Rich, Kate, Donna, Diana, Eric, Sharon, The Sweetsers, etc. (argh! too many to name and I apologize for those I haven't mentioned) and to meet new friends, of course - those we haven't met in person, but know via the board. Our thoughts will be with you all! Have a safe trip, a safe Gathering, a wonderful experience, and make memories of a lifetime for all of us! We hope to see plenty of photos!

as always,
caitlin, jeff and the little critters

Cherie Posted - June 04 2004 : 6:08:33 PM
It is sooooo good to hear from you Eric, and Marc and I are really looking forward to seeing you and Sharon again, it's been awhile, And so glad to hear that you are up and around. WHOOO HOOO.
See you soon
soldier2lotm Posted - June 04 2004 : 5:00:46 PM
Hey Ya'uns, Yep its me and I am having a hard time understanding how to get thru this message board. haha. I hope all of you are doing great. I see a lot of new names that I have to put faces with. I am looking forward to meeting them. Due to my class scheduling, Sharon and I will not be at all events, however, we will be at as many as possible. As Sharon may have already told you, I am back in the saddle again. I am doing all that the Dr. told me not to do. And loving it I might add. I think the Dr. is funny. Thinking he can stop me. HA!! I do get sore from time to time and I think the drugs did me in a bit. I cant remember as well I use to. Sharon says thats a man thing and I had that problem all along. But I notice it more now. I still have problem tying my shoes or getting up out of the floor. But once I am up, look out!! I am looking forward to see all of you. Two weeks. WOW that's a phrase that us carpenters use when estimating how long a job will take. haha. Oh BTW Sharon and I will most likely be on the bike. Gas prices you know. Yes girls I'll take you for a ride.... Ya'll take care gettin here. and we see ya'uns then. ILY is 143 Kate. I think that was what you were gettin at, Right?
See ya'uns
vincent Posted - June 04 2004 : 2:16:31 PM
'Lo Sharon - Glad to hear that Eric is "running" about... Well at least with style and on a motorcycle to boot.

Following Karen's lead (great idea BTW), I too will bring a copy of Russell Mean's book for him to sign.

Been busy recently but look forward to seeing everybody again.
ardensgal Posted - June 03 2004 : 8:57:25 PM
Hi Donna.. Thanks... Nope No stunt fights!! I checked.. Eric have his follow up visit with his doctor to check on his back on the day we are going whitewater rafting... I told him he needs to change his appt. He said.. he will call the doctor.. I need to cancel the appt. because I am going whitewater rafting.. He s CRAZYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. I told him if he breaks his back again, I will leave him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (joking of course!)
Donna Posted - June 03 2004 : 11:27:45 AM
Hellooo Ros, Nice to hear from you. You say Russel and Pearl are
looking forward to coming. I wonder if they'll do any trips with us?
Or just the movie and the raffle? It would be cool if they did...
Either way, I'm looking forward to it.

And hellooo to Sharon! Great to hear from you too! I'm glad you and Eric will be coming. No stunt fights this year? I wonder if you'll be doing your fancy moves in the rapids at the river? Sounds like Eric is getting back to normal. He must have worked hard at his therapy.
I have a girlfriend that just had back surgery. I see how hard it is to recover. Takes a long time to heal.
I hope you two take it easy so you'll make it to the gathering for sure.
See you soon!
Kaylynn44 Posted - June 02 2004 : 6:57:15 PM
Hey Ros,
Nicole might come to Asheville for a day, so I will let her know when you will be there. You know how fond she is of you and has always remembered how nice you were to her in Tahlequah. I can't wait to see you again too!!!

Karen W Posted - June 02 2004 : 11:40:13 AM
Hey Ros, what Jayne said! Who knew when I sent my book to you to have Russell sign it that I would some day have the chance to meet him my own self? Maybe I'll just bring it and ask him to sign it again!
Sharon, it's so good to hear from you and hear that you and Eric are doing well. I'm so looking forward to seeing everyone again.
Kate, due to bum knees, I may be joining you all at the pool to heft a few margaritas. Nothing wrong with my arms either!
Can't believe that it won't be long now.
ardensgal Posted - June 02 2004 : 10:05:41 AM

You all can FUSS at him... !!!!

We are fine, just exhausted, but fine.. Look forward to see you allll!!!
Kate Posted - June 01 2004 : 9:45:28 PM

And... that's just TERRIFIC that Eric is doing so well!!! But - MOTORCYCLE?????? Tell him to put that thing down until he's properly healed!!!!

And you - how are YOU doing? Can't wait to see you guys!!

See you soon!

ardensgal Posted - June 01 2004 : 9:30:55 PM
I am sorry for not keeping you all posted..
Eric s continuing to improve... Getting off medications was a struggle for him.. but he made it.. The doctor said Eric s his poster child.. using Eric as an example to other patients. Erics now driving motorcycle, and all the crazy stuff! We will see you Sunday half day (Breakfast), Monday all day, Wednesday for whitewater rafting, and all day Friday..

See u all then
Jayne Posted - May 31 2004 : 8:34:49 PM
Hi, Ros.

So good to hear from you. We're all anxious to see you too! Have a wonderful Sun Dance experience - and safe travels to you!

HuronHarpie Posted - May 31 2004 : 8:21:03 PM
Can't believe it is just a few weeks away. Can't wait to see you all again. Russell and Pearl are excited about coming too. We'll be at Sun Dance in South Dakota right before we head to the Mohican Hills, so speaking for myself, I will be very mellow (if you believe that, well.......)
See ya soon,
Kate Posted - May 31 2004 : 09:46:57 AM
I have nothing but ADMIRATION for a girl who understands about prioritising and putting HEALTH first!! Christina - I LIKE THE WAY YOU THINK, m'dear!!!

Okay... if *I* can't hold up to all the trekking and stuff, YOU help me out. If *your* ankle goes South, I help you back to civilisation... and drinkie poo's at the bar! *spittin' on palms'... it's a DONE DEAL!

Boy, have WE got this 'Gathering' stuff sussed!!

Christina Posted - May 30 2004 : 8:07:49 PM
Originally posted by Kate

Well, having 'considered'... PLEASE! I DID consider! after having primed all m' buddies to keep their eyes peeled for those 'legless and shoulderless' critters, I SHOULD really make some attempt to trek... and raft... and march... and WHATEVER!!!! Seems only fair!!

Well, Kate, m'friend, since I'm signed up for everything ALONG WITH you I will do my best to help you through all the trekking and rafting and marching I personally can handle!!!
My only physical consideration is a game left ankle left over a bad sprain last fall, but so far it's been holding up okay. I'll have ace bandages and etc. along in case it starts going South...but rest assured SHOULD it give me any problems and SHOULD ye have need of leaving off some of the activities, I'll be right there hoisting liquid refreshments with ye! After all, there's NOTHING wrong with either of my arms...

can't wait to see any and all of you regardless of physical condition!!!

Christina aka Red
Theresa Posted - May 30 2004 : 11:52:35 AM
Originally posted by richfed

Like I told someone else, you can always just hitch a ride in a raft and not do any paddling. The water levels should be way up this year - in comparison to 2002. Don't think Ducks will be necessary! Think about that. I'll paddle overtime for you!

I'll consider that.
Kate Posted - May 30 2004 : 10:14:00 AM
Well, having 'considered'... PLEASE! I DID consider! after having primed all m' buddies to keep their eyes peeled for those 'legless and shoulderless' critters, I SHOULD really make some attempt to trek... and raft... and march... and WHATEVER!!!! Seems only fair!!

So... *sigh*... better put me down for walking and rafting...*sigh*...

After all, it's been A COUPLE O' YEARS since I used my 'Misty Mate' and 'Glammy Shammy'!!!! They were THE MOST WONDERFUL gifts ffrom my SWEET friend, Di - I have to justify her generousity, don't I?????!!!! OKAY - NOW I MEAN B-U-S-I-N-E-S-S!!!!!!! *digging out 'trekking' boots*

Hey, if Cora can do it, *I* can do it!!! Harrrummmph!!

richfed Posted - May 30 2004 : 09:23:09 AM
Oh yeah ... YOU were the "somebody else"!

You think you can lift those Daquiris????? Don't work TOO hard!
Kate Posted - May 30 2004 : 09:15:49 AM
Well Rich,

You know, because of my recent surgery, I might not manage to do the Nolichucky... And, of course, all that trekking in my 'weakened state' could do lots of damage, which puts the climb up to Table Rock, the Death March and Linville Gorge out the window. OH - and the CRP hike... what that could do to newly joined - and atrophied muscles is unbelieveable!!! I'm not sure that my Consultant and P.S will be happy for me to undertake these various activities!! In fact, I'm SURE they'd be ABSOLUTELY AGIN' THEM ALL!!!!!!!!

Oh, well... *sigh*... it looks more and more as if I'm destined to sit by the Geneva pool and sip Daquiri's with little umbrella's... *sigh*...


richfed Posted - May 30 2004 : 09:12:50 AM
Like I told someone else, you can always just hitch a ride in a raft and not do any paddling. The water levels should be way up this year - in comparison to 2002. Don't think Ducks will be necessary! Think about that. I'll paddle overtime for you!
Theresa Posted - May 30 2004 : 08:49:56 AM
Rich...Nolichucky is "iffy" for me. Got to talk to the doctor about my shoulder. If he recommends I not do it, my space is for sale. Should know something in a week or so.
richfed Posted - May 30 2004 : 08:32:19 AM
Three weeks from right now we'll be assembling at Chimney Rock Park! THREE WEEKS! Here's hoping the weather is better. A most dreary morning right now.

Don't think Russell's coming? Russell Means' Upcoming Appearances

Down to basics ... here's who is coming - definitely - and when they'll be here. If you spot an error, please do let me know!

Paid Gatherers as of May 30, 2004 June 11, 2004

Carter Ard - Sunday & Monday [I think!]
Ann Colby - All week, but skipping Biltmore to make arrangements for the Shenandoah concert that night
Kay Dennis - All week, skipping Nolichucky
Donna Deslauriers - All week
Pat Dietch - All week, skipping Nolichucky
Rich Federici - All week [I hope! ]
Stan & Teri Golden - All week, skipping Biltmore/Spirits
Mary Graybill - Tuesday - Saturday - canceled
Ros Haddon - Thursday - Saturday
Marc & Cherie Harbison - All week, skipping Spirits
John Harkins - All week
Del & Del Jr. Heistand - Saturday - Friday, skipping Nolichucky & Cherokee
Jenifer Huey - Sunday only
Christina Knauss - All week
Vincent Kong & Debbie Ho - Sunday - Friday, skipping Spirits
Don & Jayne Miller - All week, skipping Biltmore
Stephanie McCulloch - All week, skipping Biltmore
Nancy Michaelson - All week
Phyllis Nelson - Monday - Saturday, skipping Spirits & Nolichucky
Kate Penman - All week
Patrick Quinn - All week
Cindy Rodgers - All week, skipping Nolichucky
Cecelia Scott - Wednesday - Saturday
Ariel Segal - Sunday - Thursday
Phil & Karen Stangler - All week, skipping Nolichucky
Kim Stout - Monday - Thursday, skipping Spirits & Nolichucky
Diana Strickland - Wednesday - Saturday
Karen, Kathie, Mary, & Jo Sweetser - All week, skipping Nolichucky
Dale Jr., Dale Sr., & Elizabeth Wasson and Erik Halthen - Sunday, Friday, and Saturday
Mark, Kathy, Nathan, & David Whitney - All week, skipping Biltmore
Diane Williams - Tuesday only
Fitz & Cindy Williams - Tuesday night, Friday & Saturday
Michael Williams, Kristen, Andres, An-Mei, & Thomas Kessler - Wednesday - Saturday
Theresa Williams - All week
Karen Williamson - All week, skipping Biltmore
Mark & Sarah Zentner - Sunday - Friday, skipping Spirits & Cherokee

Man, a veritable Williams Clan here ... The Williams Chronicles anyone? So, that's who is currently paid - 53 52 56 total, I think.

Plus, we can add:

Tim & Dianne Cordell [and another person, I think?] - Thursday - Saturday
Eric & Sharon Hurley - Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday
Russell & Pearl Means - Thursday - Saturday

That, if correct, ups us to 60 59 63.

I have no idea who among all these folks will be at The Elk Hunt [Sunday afternoon], do all of Linville Gorge, including the Sunrise [Monday - all day], and Dupont Forest [Friday] as these are all free & there was no need to reserve a space. Above info covers the paid events only.

Any of you who would like to belatedly sign-up for an event you had previously planned to skip, please do so ASAP!! Even have a few [very few] Joanne Shenandoah tickets set aside at the moment, just in case.

Of course, by now, you've all sent your Spirits on the River dinner choices on to pop_profile

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