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T O P I C    R E V I E W
richfed Posted - January 20 2003 : 11:35:29 AM

Well, it's finally happened! We recently opened the last carton of copies of On the Trail of the Last of the Mohicans - the guide book! We've sold a few, 10 copies are reserved for my kids ... that doesn't leave many.

Be forewarned! If you have been wanting a copy, order one soon - "soon" is relative; we expect to be out by year's end. You can look the guide booklet over, and place an order, in our PATHFINDING section.

So, what happens after they're gone? Don't know for sure, but more than likely it'll be put on the site, either as a download in .pdf format, or simply as web pages integrated with our Companion Guide. We'll see ...

Just wanted to let you know so that you don't come up empty handed!

Some other locations-related pages on our site:

Companion Guide || On Location at CRP || Walking the River Walk || The Filming at Lake James

And, of course, our Great Mohican Gathering
25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Monadnock Guide Posted - January 10 2012 : 3:17:05 PM
Be sure and take a few pics GG, ...
Gadget Girl Posted - January 10 2012 : 2:55:20 PM
Even though no official gathering is planned, there may be a 2nd Unofficial Gathering - of at least ONE. I plan on being in the area mid-June to do some hiking at my favorite LOTM locations.

If June passes and I don't go,
It might ripe a hole
In the fabric of my soul!
The mountains have been calling...and I must go!

Dave T Posted - January 04 2012 : 8:05:23 PM
And. . . . how about a 2012 Mohican Gathering to take it all in ?!!?
While I realize I'm jumping topics here, what better way to mark the 20th anniversary of the release of the movie (Fitz you may recall we discussed this at Crown Point this past August (I'm was with Terry's Co. of New York Provincials)).
BTW, I caught the blu-ray version of LOTM on IFC this past Monday night - what better way to start the year!
Things were sure 'brightened up' but I do miss Cameron's Cabin and Heyward's Diversion. . .
Fitzhugh Williams Posted - January 02 2012 : 5:46:27 PM
How about a "Then and Now" theme? These sites have changed so much just since I have been going to them. Some you would barely recognize. Some are gone altogether.
richfed Posted - January 02 2012 : 4:30:33 PM
Book is officially sold-out. Maybe, I'll do yet another revision, maybe.
Fitzhugh Williams Posted - September 28 2010 : 6:01:22 PM
Well, what do you know! I ordered a copy Sunday and got it today. Shows you what USPS can do when somebody has connections.
richfed Posted - September 26 2010 : 10:11:51 AM
Federici's Last Stand ... OTTOTLOTM's 2010 minor revision ...

If you've never bought a copy, now would be a good time. ...Author's Expanded Edition
Pigeye Posted - August 24 2004 : 10:37:18 AM
Do you have any idea where I can find out if the tattoos are historically correct? Do you know? That would be very important to know before getting some period tattoos.
Sarah B. Posted - April 19 2004 : 10:25:12 AM
Thank you for the information! My VHS copy "moved" when our son moved out of state! Thus, with the DVD, no wonder it wasnt as familiar to me.
richfed Posted - April 19 2004 : 06:10:23 AM
Those railings - removed, obviously, during filming - are newer replacements of the originals.

The "romantic moment" [cut from the DVD version] appears right after Magua's head hits the ground after his bashing by Chingachgook.
Sarah B. Posted - April 18 2004 : 11:02:39 AM

I realized that I said the "western" side of the Smoky Mtns...
duhhhhhhhhhhhhhh me...must have had my compass turned wrong...
of course, it was the Eastern side.

Sarah B.
Sarah B. Posted - April 18 2004 : 10:33:26 AM
My husband and I just returned from our trek to the western Smokies, and Chimney Rock Park. Man, I had goosebumps walking the Cliff Trail...I was so giddy with excitement!

Could someone tell me if all the wooden walkways are fairly new, as they seemed to be...
Also, I am a wee bit confused about the "romantic moment" of Hawkeye and Cora at Inspiration Point...where is that in the movie?

Please forgive my ignorance as I am just now learning about everything and reading much of this website for the first time. I can see that I am going to have to obtain my own copy (though black and white) of what appears to be a wonderful book about LOTM as soon as I can!

Thanks to all for the welcome greetings!
Sarah B.
Jo Posted - April 09 2004 : 11:57:48 AM
Very, Very late indeed, but I've been amazed and pleased with the pictures, thanks to ALL concerned. And welcome, Sarah B. In a long line of posters; we have had a Sarah M. and Sarah Z.! A good name indeed!

Yes, more than one Jo also!
Bookworm Posted - April 09 2004 : 09:48:49 AM
Welcome to Mohicanland, Sarah B.! I'm a very recent arrival myself, and I know how you feel about wishing you had found this site earlier. I'm still catching up with all the posts. But at least we're here! And "Sarah" is an excellent choice, as it was Daniel Boone's mother's name.
Sarah B. Posted - April 08 2004 : 6:01:03 PM
Hi! I am brand-new to this forum...just discovered it and I am sooooo excited as I love LOTM! In fact, my husband and I are traveling to near Chimney Rock next week! I so wish I had found this site earlier!

Question...does anyone have a copy of the sold-out version of the book, On the Trail of The Last of The Mohicans? If so, please email me...I would greatly appreciate it!

I am excited about this forum, and look forward to new "friendships" here...though I tend to be cautious as I have had several negative experiences online.

BTW...I am a 47 y/o married female from the Midwest. When I was a little in 5th and 6th grade, my hero was Daniel Boone, and I pretended to be a relative of his...though I am not sure if "Sarah" was a real person, but I thought the name was quite old-fashioned (duhhhhhhhh yes) and that is why I chose this screenname.
Christopher Johnson Posted - March 19 2004 : 7:47:35 PM
Wow, great to see Vincent (Guastini) signed up on the site. I enjoy checking in and following where everybody has gone over the years. Later,

CapeCodGirl Posted - March 14 2004 : 11:12:42 AM
Thankyou for sharing those pictures, Ed. Wow, that must have been awesome working with all of those actors. Maybe some day I can attend one of those gatherings and have the chance to meet some famous people. Also, the cool fans that hang out here.

Wilderness Woman Posted - December 01 2003 : 10:24:22 PM
Originally posted by 8mileshady69

And as soon as I can figure a way of posting those pics of everything Mohican that I have that I know the fans of this website would flip for.

Vincent, you should contact Sachem Richfed (the site owner) about the pics, if he hasn't already contacted you. He will work out with you the best way for you to accomplish this.

8mileshady69 Posted - December 01 2003 : 5:31:28 PM
Thanks Joyce
It's really odd seeing all these old stories and pics from Rick and Chris and others. The weird thing is someone posted about losing a camera on here and I clearly remember the films producer HUNT LOWERY walking around asking about it while we were shooting on CHIMNEY ROCK.

The film was quite an adventure. And yes Chris we did do that makeup 2 times, and one was on a moving bus insane. BTW Rick, Connie Cox and I have been in touch over the years on and off remember her? Any way thanks for welcoming me look forward to being a regular here on the site. And as soon as I can figure a way of posting those pics of everything Mohican that I have that I know the fans of this website would flip for. Joyce maybe you can tell me how. Maybe I can email you the pics to you and then you can post them on here.

Best, Vincent
Wilderness Woman Posted - December 01 2003 : 08:45:53 AM
Well, I said it in another thread, but I'll say it again here:

Welcome, Vincent! We are glad you decided to join in. Your work is awesome; in fact, it is so realistic that I can barely look at some of it!

I'm going to email the link to your site to my son, Justin (the young man mentioned on the previous page, who worked with Chris J. on his most recent movie). He will love it!
8mileshady69 Posted - November 30 2003 : 10:30:10 PM
FOR ED209 (HEY RICK!)(HEY CHRIS!!!!)AND HEY ALL MOHICAN FANS: What a great web site! my name is Vincent Guastini I took over as SPFX MAKE-UP ARTIST after the first Supervisor (NICK DUDMAN) left on LAST OF THE MOHICANS my job was to run my crew of 6 (INCLUDING CHRIS JOHNSON)and made the various wounds, deaths,sclapings,including a body of a ten year old boy which is seen breifly in the movie at the cabin scene. I had a blast on Mohicans made many friends and overall working with my favorite director Mike Mann was an amazing dream come true. He gave me my first big shot at taking over effects for a majoir motion picture.I have lots of pictures and behind the scenes stuff from the movie including the various make-up effects and other pictures I know the fans would love. You can view them for now on my web site at WWW.VINCENTGUASTINIPRODUCTIONS.COM Just click onto the Mohicans poster at the bottom of the site to bring up some behind the camera stories and just some of the many make-up effects that were created for the film.

I have found this site a few years ago, but never posted till I saw ED 209's post while I was putting my name through a search engine. So I figured was about time I did and say hello to the regulars here on the site as well as any crew memebers who might have worked on the movie. Any way I'll check on this site daily now that I am a member. Rick glad you were checking up on me !!!! thought about of you over the years so yes please email me!.

Later Vincent Guastini
chasis_22 Posted - November 17 2003 : 8:05:44 PM
Alrighty I saw the pic of Uncas and about fell out of my chair. Not to mention the pic of Hawkeye!!!!! Good Lord I need to go take a cold shower!! And I want copies if yall are makin any!!!!
Wilderness Woman Posted - November 14 2003 : 08:03:01 AM
Well... if you insist! Thanks, Chris!

Oh, and regarding posting photos on the site... email or Private Message "Richfed" (Rich Federici, site owner), if he hasn't already contacted you.
Christopher Johnson Posted - November 13 2003 : 4:03:41 PM
Joyce - Vince and I did that make-up twice. The first time (there's a photo of it somewhere on this site and tagged as unused) we made the guy up (different actor) up on that bus you see parked in the disembarking scene at the fort. Yes... the blooper-bus. We did it while we were in transit. Though if recollecion serves me correctly, we were on our way to Linville Falls for some pick-ups. It was later in the shoot and they were bussing around small groups of extras for the pick-up shots. That was interesting. Then we had to redo it because they never got around to shooting it(I think).

The second time we did it, I think it was intended to be the character that Alice sees dead in the massacre valley scene that puts her over the edge. Though I don't recall seeing it in the final edit. He's probably in there somewhere... face down in the mud. I just remember going around with Gusmano (the visual consultant) and Jerry (2nd unit DP) and shooting inserts... like the Indian that Cora shoots in the head... and some of the other more minor inserts. It was cool, just the three of us and a Camera assistant in a field somewere shooting inserts.

We did a whole series of other injuries for the fort battles. I should find out how to post photos on this site. I have a ton of make-up shots and continuity photos from the guys I worked on. If I figure it out, I'll post some of them.

As for "Summer of Tomorrows," I'll get you a DVD and a poster soon. Justing already has both. No charge for mothers of crew members. It's policy here at Misty Falls. Sorry. Thanks for all your encouraging words and I'll talk to you soon.


Wilderness Woman Posted - November 12 2003 : 7:38:42 PM
Thanks for posting that photo, Rick.

So, Chris, after all of that incredibly detailed work on that guy's face, did it show up at all in the final edit? Was it during the battle at the fort?

You know... it is just so nice to see a young person with a definite goal in life and the determination to reach that goal. You seem to be very focused on what you want to do and you are making it happen. I admire that and I think it should be encouraged. (I meant what I said, however, about "Summer..." It is very good.) And besides, it's always neat to see a "hometown" person become a success. I think you are on your way. You're young yet, and have time to keep going and climbing that ladder to the top. I feel very strongly that you will make a name for yourself. I hope I'm still around when it happens so I can say, "Hey! I knew him! He's from my hometown and he's Justin's friend!"

BTW, I would love to have a DVD of "Summer..." but I want to pay you for it. After all, you're trying to make a living! I will take you up on your offer of the poster, though. I know Justin would love to have one.


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