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T O P I C    R E V I E W
mmatga2me99 Posted - March 22 2003 : 11:45:37 AM
In the movie they hid in a cave located behind a waterfall. Does anyone know where this waterfall is.
19   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Obediah Posted - May 12 2009 : 10:24:33 PM
FYI, there is also a Bridalveil Falls in Yosemite Valley...
MoneminsCastle Posted - May 12 2009 : 2:25:07 PM
Originally posted by Theresa

That particular waterfall is Bridal Veil Falls located in Dupont State Forest in North Carolina and the cave is actually a movie set to dipict New York's Glen Falls. Rich, is this right?

Cooper's Cave is still a tourist attraction, but the falls themselves has been damed. It's about 40 miles north of me in South Glens Falls, NY.,-73.642103&sll=43.305461,-73.641494&sspn=0.002479,0.004608&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=16&iwloc=A
CT•Ranger Posted - July 20 2007 : 11:03:16 PM
In the whole waterfall sequence on the dvd there's also a very brief shot which appears to be old stock footage of Vernal Falls in Yosemite CA. This brief clip appears just after Hawkeye and Chingachgook jump out of their canoe to stop it at the top of the falls to allow the others to get out. In this scene it's very green on the riverbank behind them with mostly deciduous trees. It then immediately switches to the footage of Vernal Falls which is very different in appearance, clearly a western landscape with a only a few coniferous trees. Plus I know Yosemite very well, and have hiked the trail up to Vernal Falls several times. I recognized it immediately the first time I saw it. And when you compare this scene to pics of Vernal Falls, the match is very clear with the same trees and rock formation. After this brief waterfall shot it then goes to Cora falling out of the canoe with Chingachgook's weapons.
Light of the Moon Posted - July 19 2007 : 7:23:01 PM
I learned it was a set in the 2008 events poll thread. Bummer. Would loved to have seen it.
Last of the dustbunnies Posted - July 19 2007 : 6:04:23 PM
I thought it was a set, i saw a pic of it
richfed Posted - April 09 2004 : 05:07:10 AM
Originally posted by KFarrah

Interesting! Perhaps you're right about not using the footage. They definately filmed here (Silver Falls) at some point, because I saw them and recognized the small crew. The reason they gave was that they didn't like the way the original falls looked.

... thus, computer imagery!
KFarrah Posted - April 09 2004 : 02:03:04 AM
Interesting! Perhaps you're right about not using the footage. They definately filmed here (Silver Falls) at some point, because I saw them and recognized the small crew. The reason they gave was that they didn't like the way the original falls looked. Michael Mann changed his mind constantly, however, about everything.The very first day I began work in L.A., I had to show him what Hawkeye might carry. I showed him the rifle used by Oliver Hardy in the Fighting Kentuckian, and my personal shooting bag. He threw my bag against the wall and said "This is crap! Don't ever show me that bag again!". 3 months later, it was "THE" bag for Hawkeye.When I showed him Chingachgook's war club for the first time, the same thing occurred.Go figure!
Wilderness Woman Posted - April 08 2004 : 12:57:58 PM
Well, this is most interesting. As I said in the other thread, I am pretty familiar with Silver Falls State Park. Here is a photo of the South Falls that Kelly mentioned above.

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As you can see, it is very tall and narrow. I don't remember seeing anything that looked that tall in the movie.

I am wondering if the skeleton crew was there because Mann decided they needed a few inches of footage of the canoe falling through the foamy water? Isn't there a brief slow-mo close-up shot of the empty canoe as it descends? (Or am I dreaming that?) And of course, it is possible that whatever footage they were shooting at Silver Falls Park was never used!

Go here to see photos of all of the beautiful falls at the park.
The falls of Silver Falls State Park
richfed Posted - April 08 2004 : 04:44:01 AM
Hi Kelly -

No bubbles burst here ... Sounds to me like a "test" shoot. "Canoes over the falls" scene was most definitely filmed at Hooker [Mills] Falls in Dupont. Long shot is most definitely Linville with computer graphic enhancement.

What scene - exactly - are you referring to?

KFarrah Posted - April 08 2004 : 03:08:23 AM
Sorry folks, you're all wrong. Cave was a set, but the main fall was in Silver Falls State Park near Silverton, Oregon. A skeleton crew filmed at South Falls (there are 10 waterfalls) for the long shots.Sorry to burst any bubbles. I was on the prop crew, and live in Silverton.I left the show before they left N.C., and was very surprised to find them at the park filming the canoe going over, etc. This is hard to believe, but very true!
Theresa Posted - November 11 2003 : 07:31:48 AM
Originally posted by Scott Bubar

Originally posted by Theresa

Man! It looks exactly like the falls at Linville. Michael Mann is a genius.

Or he hired good location scouts.

That too, Scott. I remember when we went to the Nolichucky Tom telling us about the crew coming out and actually doing the river/rapids trip and decided that was where they wanted the rescue scene shot. Whomever was responsible for choosing Linville Falls did an outstanding job.
Scott Bubar Posted - November 10 2003 : 9:14:09 PM
Originally posted by Theresa

Man! It looks exactly like the falls at Linville. Michael Mann is a genius.

Or he hired good location scouts.
Theresa Posted - November 03 2003 : 07:21:25 AM
Man! It looks exactly like the falls at Linville. Michael Mann is a genius.
richfed Posted - November 03 2003 : 05:18:48 AM
Yep!! All Dupont, no NY ...

But, does that look like the lower falls at Linville, or what!?!
Wilderness Woman Posted - November 02 2003 : 10:27:23 PM
Taughannock Falls State Park, near Trumansburg, NY. The park is located on Cayuga Lake, which is one of the finger lakes. The falls are 215 ft high, one of the highest east of the Rockies. It is a truly beautiful spot.

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Theresa Posted - November 02 2003 : 6:36:57 PM
Actually the River Walk scene is at two different locations in Dupont State Forest in North Carolina. Don't know what Taghannock Falls in NY looks like so I can't make a comparison. Early in the scene you're looking at Triple Falls and then as they are walking and begin to converse, you're at the base of Bridal Veil Falls. I think this is right. Anyone? Posted - November 02 2003 : 1:10:39 PM
Hel everyone an a great site! Am watching LOTM fo the first time so forgive the shorthand.

The river walk scene looks like Taghannock Falls in NYS, a I correct?

Thanks for membership and what I know will be a fscinating site.

richfed Posted - March 22 2003 : 4:13:55 PM
Correct, Theresa!

For more - and visuals - see Under The Falls in our On-line Companion Guide on the site ...
Theresa Posted - March 22 2003 : 12:54:38 PM
That particular waterfall is Bridal Veil Falls located in Dupont State Forest in North Carolina and the cave is actually a movie set to dipict New York's Glen Falls. Rich, is this right?

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